“You’re a smart cookie, kid.” Cook grins, waggling his eyebrows.
“Would you please stop calling me kid? I’m not a kid anymore. I’m a grown ass woman, and it’s ridiculous that you still call me that.”
“Nope.” Cook pops his p, his grin only growing.
I bare my teeth at him. “I hate you.”
He laughs. “No, you don’t.”
“How am I the one who’s the most grown up in the room?” Griffin sighs. “Are the two of you done so we can get down to business?”
I shoot him an apologetic look, feeling properly chastised.
“So, here’s what we’re going to be doing.”
For the next thirty minutes, Griffin and Cook explain to me how I’ll need to eat to get up to a healthy weight while training, and how that’ll change once I’ve reached that weight. It’s not overly complicated, but I’m not going to lie—I’m so glad I don’t have to worry about making myself food most of the time. I’d be lost without Cook, but I guess that’s always been true.
Once we’re done, I feel better about everything and how it’s going to progress.
“For these classes that you’re recommending I take, do you have any suggestions on where to take them?” I ask once we’re done.
“Not off the top of my head, but I can ask around,” Griffin admits.
I shake my head. “Nah, that’s alright. I’ll ask Vicki or Quinn if they know of anywhere.”
“You know Quinn?” Cook asks, the surprise apparent in his voice. “Does that mean you’ve been to The Guillotine?”
I laugh. “Yeah, that’s what got this whole thing going. It was awesome. I’m hoping to go back soon.”
Cook makes a face. “You shouldn’t go there by yourself.”
“What the fuck? You too?”
“What do you mean, me too?” Cook looks so confused that I laugh.
“Let’s just say you’re not the only man who has suggested that I’m incapable of taking care of myself and shouldn’t go to The Guillotine.”
Cook shakes his head. “That’s not what I was suggesting, Freya, I promise. There are just some rough people that go there, and I want you to be safe.”
“I made friends with Orion, Vicki, and Quinn. Are you saying they can’t keep me safe?”
Cook holds up his hands in surrender. “Absolutely not what I said. Please don’t say that to Quinn. The last thing I need is her being pissed at me. I trust you to know what you can and can’t handle.”
“Good.” I look between him and Griffin. “So, are we done, or is there more?”
Griffin shakes his head. “No, we’re good. You’ll start your training tomorrow with me. I’ve got that time blocked out for you. Try not to be late.”
“Today wasn’t my fault.” I glare at Cook, who refuses to meet my eyes.
“Regardless. It’s best that you arrive early so we can go through stretches. After tomorrow, both Soren and I will expect you to complete them before our sessions begin.”
I nod. “That’s what Soren told me. I’ll be here early, I promise. And thank you again for doing this, Griffin.”
“Of course, Freya. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
As I stand, Cook shoves a cup into my hand. “Drink this. It’s the protein shake I brought you. If you want to, we can work out a schedule when we get home. I’d be happy to go on your runs and walks with you. I usually run every morning anyway, so I might as well join you. I can bring us protein drinks that we can drink on the way over.”
“That’s sweet, Cook, but I don’t want to take up any of your off time.”