“Damn. I’m not sure I could’ve walked away,” I say with a grin, and the two of us break out into giggles once more. For the next couple of hours, Vicki and I just spend the time getting to know one another better. When it comes time to say good night, I’m sad. I really love hanging out with her, and even though we make plans to do it again soon, I’m still sad to head home.
I’ve never had any real friends except Freyr, and, at one point in time, Wilder. I’ve never had girlfriends, but I can tell that we’re going to be close. And who knows, maybe Quinn too.
Going to The Guillotine that night really did change my life.
Chapter Fourteen
Isleepthroughmyalarm the next morning, which means that I’m running behind as I rush into No Holds Barred. I almost barrel straight into Soren’s chest and would have fallen if he didn’t steady me in time.
“You’re late,” is all he says.
Rolling my eyes, I shrug. “No shit. I slept through my alarm.”
“If you’re late again, I won’t train you. You need to show up at least twenty minutes early every day and stretch before we get started.”
“Sir, yes, sir.” I mock salute him, my eyes widening as his darken.
Oh. Does he like being called sir?
Fuck. No. Even if he does, he’s not interested in me. Nor am I interested in him.
I shake my head, trying to clear it of my wayward thoughts.
“Follow me.” Soren spins on his heel, once again not bothering to check to see if I’m following him or not.
I shake my head. He’s so fucking full of himself—so sure that I’ll follow him. Which, I guess, is true because that’s exactly what I’m doing as I hurry to catch up to his longer stride.
He leads me through the gym and down a hallway. He stops in front of a door, rapping on it once before opening the door. Stepping aside, he gestures for me to go in front of him.
“Thanks,” I murmur as I pass him, stepping into what turns out to be an office. Griffin is sitting behind the desk, telling me this is likely his office. But what surprised me the most was the other person sitting inside the office.
“Hey, kid,” Cook calls out. “I brought you a protein shake. Since you were still sleeping when I left, I figured you probably wouldn’t have time to get anything to eat.”
“Can you move?” Soren’s voice breaks me out of my shock, and I move to sit in the chair beside Cook.
“First, what are you doing here? Second, if I was sleeping, then why didn’t you wake me up? I slept through my alarm!”
Cook looks sheepish. “Actually, I turned off your alarm. You were sleeping so deeply that I wanted you to sleep while you could. I know you haven’t been sleeping.”
“Damn it, Cook. You made me late.” I grin at him. “But thank you. You’re right. I haven’t been sleeping. Last night was the first night in a long time where I wasn’t ripped from sleep by a nightmare.”
Griffin gives me a sympathetic look. “You might be able to get more nights like that while you’re working out. Training, especially at first, is going to end up knocking you out.”
“That’ll be useful at least.” Turning back to Cook, I cock an eyebrow. “Now, would you tell me why you’re here?”
“I told you I was going to work with Griffin on your nutrition plan. That’s what we’ve been doing. He thought it would just be easier if I was here. I didn’t figure you’d mind.”
“I don’t. I was just not expecting you to be here, but thank you.”
Cook grins. “Anything for you, kid.”
“As touching as this whole thing is, can we get on with this meeting? I’ve got shit to do today.” Soren doesn’t bother hiding the irritation in his voice.
“Like being an asshole? Don’t worry, you can check that off your list already.”
Cook snickers as Soren clenches his jaw.