Dressed, I toss my wallet and a few other things in Freyr’s gym bag, pausing for only a moment as my hands trail over its contents. It’s not much. Just a roll of athletic tape, hand wraps, and a towel, but it belonged to my twin. That makes it special to me, even if it’s just a mundane item.
I force myself to zip it closed and grab my keys. There’s no way I’m having David drive me to the gym. He’ll definitely tell my mom, and that’s not something I have the bandwidth to deal with just yet. Plus, it’ll be nice to be behind the wheel for the first time in months.
There’s a pep to my step as I hurry down the stairs, trying to stay as quiet as I can so my mom doesn’t stop me. I love her, but I don’t need her interrogating me about what I’m doing and where I’m going.
I make it to the garage without anyone stopping me, so I take that as a win. When I slide into my SUV, a smile lights up my face. I put the address for the gym in my GPS and pull out of the garage. It’s late afternoon now, but it’s a beautiful day. I’m proud of myself for not only leaving the house, but for enjoying the beauty of the day.
Yes, this is what I need. Freedom and some time away from this place. A reason to keep fighting against my depression and guilt. I can’t let Freyr’s sacrifice be in vain. He put himself between me and danger at the cost of his life. I might not be ready to live for myself, but I can live for him.
For now, that’s enough.
Chapter Eleven
Pullingtoastopacross from the gym, I easily find street parking in front of a small bookstore. It looks cozy, and I make a note to check it out one day soon.
Forcing my eyes across the street, I see No Holds Barred. It seems to take up several storefronts, but there’s only one entrance. I bite my lip as I watch people go in and out, music playing softly over the speakers.
I know I should just head inside, but something keeps me locked in my SUV, though it takes me a few minutes to figure it out. For fifteen minutes, I watch every person who enters and exits the gym, realizing it’s only men. That seems odd. Surely, Quinn wouldn’t have suggested a gym that doesn’t train women, right? Wasn’t that the point of the list she gave me? That they were all willing to train women?
Shrugging, I grab Freyr’s bag from the passenger seat and climb from my SUV. Checking both ways before crossing, I march across the street with my head held high. It doesn’t matter if I haven’t seen any women go in or out of the gym. That doesn’t mean they’re not here or that they don’t train women. It just means I haven’t seen them.
This was the gym where my brother trained, and it was on Quinn’s list. I’m going to train here, no matter what I have to do.
With that thought floating through my mind, I pull open the door and step inside. It’s brighter inside than I thought it would be, but I quickly realize the windows are heavily tinted, so there’s no way I could have known from watching outside. My head is on a swivel as I take in everything around me. There seem to be various types of workout stations, plus multiple cages. There’s a decent number of people here, but I wouldn’t say it’s busy by any means.
“Hi, there. Can I help you?”
I turn to find a hot older man standing there. If I had to guess, I’d say he’s in his 40s, but that doesn’t make him any less attractive. In fact, I’d even go as far as to say it enhances it. He’s tall, well over six feet, with wide shoulders and well-toned arms that I can see beneath his loose tank top. He also wears a pair of workout shorts, allowing me to see that his legs look just as strong as his upper body. His light brown hair is cut short on the sides and longer on top, scruff covering his face.
I’m not generally into older men, but like the fighter the other night, I could totally get down for some older man action. Yuuuummmm.
“Miss?” The man clears his throat, shuffling from foot to foot.
I shake my head to clear my horny thoughts, flushing as I realize I’ve been staring at him instead of answering his question.
“I want to learn how to fight,” I declare, glad that my voice comes out clear, not breathy with the heat that is pouring into me.
Seriously, what the hell is it about fighters that apparently gets me going? Apparently, I really should’ve taken up my brother on his invite to go to the fights with him a long time ago.
The man’s eyes narrow before they trail over my body. It doesn’t feel like he’s checking me out, and when they meet mine again, I’m sure that’s not what he was doing. He scoffs and shakes his head, and I can tell he finds me wanting.
Shame rushes through me, followed quickly by anger. Who the hell does this man think he is finding me wanting? I’m Freya Bjorn. I can do anything I set my mind to. I lift my head once more.
“My brother used to train here, and this is where I want to learn how to fight. You can look at me all you want, thinking that I can’t do it, but this is what I want. And I’m willing to fight for it. I won’t let anyone get in my way.”
The corner of the man’s lips twitch before he purses his lips. “And who is your brother, little girl?”
My eyes flash at him calling me a little girl, but maybe that’s all he sees me as. Hell, he’s old enough to be my father. Of course he thinks I’m a little girl. That’s fine. Let him think what he wants. I’ll just have to show him I’m more than that.
“C’mon, Griff, evenIcan tell who her brother is.“ I jump at another voice, head swinging around to find the man who’d fought Wilder at The Guillotine. What was his name again? I know it started with an S but it was something unique. But I just can’t think of it.
The man, Griff, I guess his name is, tilts his head to the side as he considers me. I see the moment he figures it out, recognition hitting him.
“Freyr,” he hisses, tearing his eyes away from me for a moment and clearing his throat. “You’re Freyr’s sister.”
“I am.” I nod, unsure of what else to say. It’s not like it had been a question.