Soren’s hands scramble against the mat as Wilder leans further back. I lean forward, wondering if the red in his face is from the hold or from the exertion of trying to break free. Then I see his hand slap against the mat a couple of times before Wilder releases his hold.

Roars and jeers sound throughout the room as Wilder is announced as the winner. He leans down to whisper something in Soren’s ear, and the other man snarls at him. I can see the smirk on Wilder’s face as he stands up, allowing the referee to lift his arm into the air.

Soren rolls over onto his stomach, spitting blood onto the mat before rushing from the cage. My eyes follow his movements like a stalker.

“What did you think?” Quinn’s voice breaks me from staring at Soren, and I turn to her with a grin.

“You were right. There’s just something about watching them fight. It was beautiful in its violence. I fucking love it.” My smile dims. “I just wish I would’ve listened to Freyr and come with him while he was still alive.”

Vicki’s hand lands atop mine, squeezing lightly. “He would just be happy you’re here now. He always knew you’d love it if you gave it a chance. He was right, and that’s what he would care about most.”

I laugh at that. “It really is what he’d care about. He loved being right.”

“He did.” The two of us share a small smile, but my attention is drawn from her when there’s a loud commotion at the door.

“Where the fuck is she?”

My eyes widen when I realize it’s Wilder. There’s no doubt in my mind that he’s looking for me.

His eyes land on me, narrowing as he rushes over. “It’s time for you to leave.”

“You’re not my fucking keeper, Wilder,” I say calmly, lifting an eyebrow. If he thinks he can be a prick and boss me around, expecting me to jump to follow his commands, he has another thing coming.

“Now, Wilder, that’s not how we treat my guests,” Quinn says, standing slowly as if she’s afraid he’ll turn his ire on her.

When he turns to her with a glower, he practically growls. “Stay the fuck out of this, Quinn. It doesn’t involve you.”

“Like hell it doesn’t.”

I shake my head, giving Quinn a small smile before turning back to Wilder. “Why do you have to be such a shithead all the time?”

“You don’t belong here, Freya. This place will break you and then throw you away. My fight’s over now, so I’m getting you the hell out of here. Don’t think I won’t throw you over my shoulder and carry you out.”

Wilder grabs my wrist, trying to wrench me to my feet. I allow him to do so, but as soon as I’m on my feet, I begin to struggle.

“Let me go, prick. You don’t get to manhandle me whenever I do something you don’t like.” He still doesn’t release me, so I do what Freyr always taught me to do when someone gets too handsy—I knee him in the balls.

I smirk as he releases me, his hands dropping to his crotch as he leans forward. “See, asshole. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Freyr made sure I knew how to take care of handsy men. If it was anyone but you, you’d have a knee to your face right now.”

Wilder’s eyes flash with rage as he glances up at me, but when he opens his mouth to say something, he just groans.

Rolling my eyes, I turn to Vicki. “I really enjoyed getting to know you today. I’d love to hang out again. I gave Quinn my number already. You can grab it from her.”

“Will do, Freya.” Vicki snickers as she glances between me and Wilder.

“Quinn, I’ll be waiting to hear from you with that list of gyms.” I give her a tight smile before patting Wilder on the head. “Maybe next time you’ll think twice about grabbing a woman and trying to manhandle her.”

I walk past him then, shoulders back and head held high. He thought he could embarrass me into leaving, but he’s the one who’s embarrassed now.

But he’s wrong about one thing. Idobelong here, and he better damn well get used to it. I’m not going anywhere.

Chapter Eight


Iwakeupslowly,feeling like I’m crawling through mud as I try to get my mind to come online.

Wincing against the bright light pouring through the windows, I pull the comforter over my head. My body feels heavy, my mind foggy.