“This, right here, is exactly why you don’t belong here.” Wilder’s eyes trail up and down my body. “Especially not dressed like that. What the fuck did you think was going to happen when you came here dressed like a whore?”
My head jerks back in shock. “I’m sorry. I must’ve heard you wrong. Would you like to repeat what you just said?”
Wilder clenches his jaw, and if I’m not mistaken, there’s a hint of red tingeing his cheeks—I can’t be sure with the lighting in here—as he shakes his head.
“I’m allowed to dress any way I want. It’s not my job to cover myself from head to toe because some men have it in their heads that because I’m showing skin, I want them to harass me. This isn’t something I should have to explain to you. This isn’t a me problem, this is a them problem.” I shake my head, disgusted with Wilder for the first time in my life. “I didn’t need you to step in and stop him. I was about to take care of it myself.”
He scoffs at that. My nostrils flare as I begin to shake, the anger ready to explode from me.
“I. Don’t. Need. You.” I jab my finger into his chest with each word, hating the way my voice trembles. Wilder probably thinks it’s because I’m afraid, but it’s because I’m trying to keep myself from punching him straight in his pretty face. “I can take care of myself.”
Wilder’s jaw tenses even more before he shakes his head. “You know what? Fine. You’re a grown ass adult. Just remember, I won’t always be around to save your ass.”
“I don’t need your saving,” I call after him as he stalks away.
This fucker is already ruining my night. Maybe I should just go home. I can always try again on another night.
No. I shake my head to myself. I made it out of the house, and I’m here for a reason.
And I’m not going to let Wilder, being a prick, keep me from doing this.
Straightening my shoulders, I press on toward the bar once more. One of the bartenders stands there with a grin on her face that I can’t help but return.
I flush, embarrassed that this woman experienced me losing my shit on Wilder. Oh, well. At least it was me giving him a verbal spanking and not the other way around.
“I do love seeing Wilder put into his place,” the pretty petite blond says. “What can I get for you?”
“You know Wilder? Never mind. Of course, you do. He fights here. He’s such an asshole, I swear.” Her grin only grows. “Sorry, I’m looking for Vicki.”
“Well, you found her!” Vicki seems very bubbly. I don’t know if that’s her usual personality or if this is just her work persona, but it’s kind of awesome.
Vicki’s curly blond hair falls to her shoulders and her bright blue eyes sparkle with laughter. She has a hoop through her nose and at least five earrings in each ear, plus a helix piercing. Colorful tattoos paint her exposed arms and stomach.
“Right. The bouncer, Orion, told me to come find you. He said you could give me the lay of the land.”
Vicki tilts her head to the side. “Did he now?”
“Umm... I mean, you don’t have to or anything.” Now, I’m just being plain awkward. Great. “He also said to tell you I’m Freyr’s sister.”
Her smile falls away, her mouth making an o-shape as tears fill her eyes. She’s moving before I can even react, launching herself over the bar to stand in front of me. A tear slips down her cheek as she grasps my hands in hers. “You look like him.”
“We’re twins...weretwins...“ I shake my head, tears filling my eyes again. I hate this so much. I want to be able to talk about my brother, to think about him, without wanting to cry each and every time. If only it were that easy.
“Yeah, I know.” Vicki squeezes my hands once more. “Of course I’ll take care of you, Freya.”
“You know my name?” There isn’t any way to hide the shock in my voice.
Vicki laughs, releasing my hands so she can swipe at the tears on her face. “Anyone who was close with your brother knew your name. Freyr loved you a lot, and he talked about you all the time. It was sweet.”
I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to will away the tears. How had I been such a shit sister? Freyr seems to have talked about me all the time to the people here—the place he seemed to love so much. I knew he wanted me to come watch him fight, but I didn’t care.
Yet another reason why I should’ve been the one to die that night and not Freyr.
“It’s okay to cry,” Vicki says softly, her hand finding mine once more. “Everyone here loved him so much, and they wouldn’t fault you for crying. I can only imagine how much you miss him.”
“It’s like half my soul is missing,” I whimper as the first tear falls. “All I’ve done is cry. I don’t even know how I have any tears left to cry.”
“Oh, hon.” Vicki pulls me into her arms as the sobs begin.