“Woooo!!! You’re going to kill it, Freya!” I jerk my head to the side to find Vicki standing on top of the bar, waving her arms in the air as she cheers for me.
A smile lights up my face as I wave to her. My eyes flick up to the VIP area, and even though I can’t see her clearly, I know it’s Quinn sitting at the table along the railing waving at me.
It doesn’t matter that Gina is likely to wipe the floor with me. What matters is this right here. Having my friends and my guys supporting me in something that feels massive. Something that could be the turning point in my life. I’ve never known what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I’ve always just floated along. I didn’t finish my degree. I have no interest in my dad’s company.
But this? This, I can see myself doing for many years to come. MMA fighting isn’t a lifelong career, but it can be a lucrative one. I know it’s what Freyr wanted—he and Wilder both wanted to go pro. Do I? I have no idea, but maybe after this fight, I’ll know.
We come to a stop next to the cage, and I see that Gina’s already stepped inside, along with the ref. I bite my lip as I look up at Griffin.
“Open,” he commands, and I drop my mouth open, letting him push the mouth guard in. He lifts my hands, checking that the special gloves we use when fighting MMA are fitted correctly. He nods, leaning forward to lean his forehead against mine. “You’ve got this, little one. Remember to keep your guard up. Try to keep out of her hold for as long as you can. If she gets you in her arms, you’re done for. Don’t for a second take your eyes off her.”
“I’ve got it, Griff,” I say, my words slightly off because of the mouth guard.
Soren slaps my ass, making me yelp and jump in the air. “Hell, yes, you do, baby. I agree with everything Griff said, but also remember to have fun.”
I nod, turning my attention to Wilder to see if he has anything to add, but he just inclines his head and wishes me luck.
Ignoring the heaviness in my chest at his sudden withdrawal once more, I climb into the cage and move to the center where Gina and the ref are waiting.
“Keep it clean, ladies,” the ref says. “No one likes it when I have to call a fight a forfeit. Don’t ignore tap outs or Quinn will ban you. Are there any questions?”
He looks at Gina, who shakes her head before turning his attention to me.
“Nope. All good here.”
“Excellent. Listen for the bell, and have a good fight.”
He backs away, and I reach out to bump fists with Gina before we both back away. I bounce on the balls of my feet as adrenaline courses through me. This is it. This is what months of training have led up to.
The bell goes off, and we both spring to action. We both take a couple of jabs at one another, a kick or two here or there. We’re testing one another, seeing how the other one fights, but then that’s done and we’re moving into the actual fight.
Jab. Jab. Block. Kick. Jab. Block.
It’s like my body takes over, my mind taking a back seat to my instincts. I keep my eyes trained on her, waiting for her body to betray her movements. Trying to find an opening that she’s not giving me, but apparently I give her one as her fist meets my side.
I let out an oof and try to dodge out of the way of her elbow, but it catches me in the chin. Then I do what I’m not supposed to—I give her my back as I try to catch my balance. She kicks out the back of my legs, and I hit the mat hard. She’s on me before I can roll out of the way, and I know I’m in trouble. She tries to get me into a submission, but I manage to break her roll and buck her off my back. Rolling onto my back, I try to get my feet beneath me, only for her to knock them back out of me.
This time, when my back hits the ground, she straddles me and my arms go up to defend my face. It’s only slightly effective as she lands blow after blow, some slipping past my arms and making contact with my face. My only saving grace is when the bell goes off.
I made it through the first round.
Gina climbs off me, offering me her hand. “You good?”
“I think so,” I say with a laugh, stumbling to my corner where my guys wait. I drop to my knees, knowing that Griffin is going to want to check out my face.
“You’re supposed to stay off the mat, sunshine,” Soren teases, sticking the thin neck of the water bottle through the cage.
I drop my mouth open, and he squirts a small amount of water inside. I swish it around, tasting just a bit of blood as I swallow it down.
“You good?” Griffin asks. “You’ve got a small cut above your left eye. Are you getting any blood in your eyes?”
I shake my head. “No. Nothing yet.”
“Good. Let’s keep it that way. Lean over.” I do as he says, and he sticks a vaseline-covered cotton swab through the links, rubbing it along the cut. “Try to stay off the mat this time.”
I shoot them a grin. “I’ll try my best.”