“I didn’t know,” he says, eyes finding mine. “This isn’t what I meant to happen. You’re right. I’m the reason your brother is dead. I’m the reason you almost died. I’m the reason that our family is falling apart. I thought I was doing the right thing. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. If I’d only known...”

A small part of me feels for him, but mostly, he just disgusts me. “Whether you knew or not doesn’t matter. There was a chance that we would be killed if you didn’t pay, and you knew that. You gambled with our lives, and Freyr lost.”

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. You have to know that. You have to know I miss your brother every day. I’m sorry my actions lead you to almost taking your life. I’m just sorry. Let me make it up to you, please. You’re my little girl—you’re all I have left. Please.”

“I believe you, but I don’t think I can ever forgive you. You took away my reason for living—my twin, my best friend. The one person I knew I could always rely on.” I shake my head. “You ruined my life, and I might be slowly putting the pieces back together, but that doesn’t change what happened. This isn’t something you can make up for. It is what it is, and you need to accept that. You made the wrong decision, and these are the consequences. Freyr is gone, and so is your little girl.”

Turning back to my mom, I give her a small smile. “I love you so much, and I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. But don’t try to convince me to forgive him or to give up MMA. All it will do is damage our relationship, and I don’t want that. I need at least one parent in my life that I can count on.”

Mom nods her head, tears still streaming down her face when she turns to look at my dad. Her eyes are filled with regrets and hate, but there’s still love there. She loves him so much, and that’s the only reason she hasn’t left. If she wants to stay with him, that’s her choice, and I’ll support it—even if I don’t like it.

Head held high, I stalk out of the living room and up the stairs. My tears have slowed, and I’m no longer shaking with anger. Now, I’m even more pissed because whoever my stalker is, they ruined one of the best nights of my life. I don’t know what they want from me, but I’m more determined than ever to ignore them. Maybe if I do, they’ll get angry enough to make a mistake.

The police are finally looking into it since Griffin received the threat, but they’re not making it a big priority. Part of me gets it. They’re not actively hurting anyone, but will that change?

Once I reach my room, I pull off the dress that I loved so much and chuck it in the trash can. It’s now tainted, as are the other clothes they’ve sent me. Rushing to my closet, I find each of the items and drag them to the trash can as well. It’s not big enough to hold all the items, so they spill over onto the floor, but I don’t care. I just want them gone. I want this reminder of them to disappear.

Suddenly exhausted, I grab one of Griffin’s shirts that I stole and pull it over my head. I’m fairly certain I’m sleeping before my head hits the pillow.

Chapter Thirty-two


I’mpracticallyvibratingwithexcitement as I pace the women’s locker room. There are a handful of other women in here, including the woman who I’ll be fighting tonight. Her name is Gina, and she’s amazing. Quinn introduced me to her last month, knowing that we’d be fighting. We hit it off pretty well, but I know we won’t be as close as me and Vicki. It’s still nice to know another female fighter who understands what I’m going through right now. I’ve actually met all the fighters currently in the locker room, but none of the others seemed like they were interested in being friends. That’s their loss since I’m fabulous.

“You ready for this, Bjorn?” Gina calls, and I nod, grinning up at her.

“Absolutely. Looking forward to the ass whooping you have in store for me.”

Everyone laughs at that, but we all know it’s true. I’m completely untested, and while I have natural talent, Gina has been putting in the work a lot longer than I have. But I have to start somewhere, and I’m kind of glad Gina’s the one I’ll be fighting. I know she won’t hold back just because I’m new. She’s going to put her all into the fight like she always does and like I plan to do.

Gina winks as she walks by me, pausing in the doorway.

“Hey, baby girl,” she calls back with a laugh. “You have some visitors.”

I finish pinning my hair and grab my gloves before heading to the door. Griffin, Soren, and Wilder are all standing there, looking anxious, and I laugh.

“Shouldn’t I be the one who looks nervous?”

Soren scoops me into his arms to hug me, my legs going around his waist as I wrap my arms around his neck. “We’re just nervous about your first fight. Can’t blame us for that.”

“Especially since you’re going to get your ass kicked,” Wilder adds unhelpfully. A second later, he yelps. “What the fuck was that for, Griffin?”

“Maybe don’t tell her that just before she fights, dickhead?”

Soren kisses me before setting me back on my feet. When I turn to raise an eyebrow at Wilder, he shrugs sheepishly. “Sorry, cupcake. I don’t like the idea of you getting hurt, and it’s turning me into a surly prick.”

“As opposed to your usual sunny personality?” I ask with a laugh. “I’ve known you long enough to know this is just how you are. Luckily, I happen to like you just the way you are.”

I try not to be hurt when I lift up on my toes to kiss him, only for him to turn his head, so I kiss his cheek instead.

And here we go again. We’ve had another two months of Wilder being hot and cold toward me. I just don’t understand what’s going on with him—especially since he still refuses to talk to me about it.

“Come on, Freya, it’s time for your fight,” Griffin reminds me, reaching for my hand.

Pushing away the hurt Wilder has caused, I give him a small smile before slipping my hand into his. He leads us down the hallway and out into the club with Soren and Wilder at our backs.

I hadn’t even come in through the club when I arrived, too worked up to deal with that many people at once. But I don’t have a choice this time. Luckily, Soren moves around us so he can clear a path for us. Unlike the fights he and Wilder fight in, mine won’t even be announced. No theme songs or fancy names for me. Griffin promised that I’d get both eventually if I decide to keep fighting, but not for my first fight.