“Thank you.” Glancing between the two of them. “Which one of you sent me the dress?”

They both look confused before shaking their heads.


They all deny that they sent the dress, but if it wasn’t them, then who could it be? Maybe Vicki? Or maybe it is from one of the guys—or even all of them—and they don’t want me to know.

I shrug it off, figuring it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I love it, and the guys think I look great in it.

“Thanks for the roses. It’s sweet. I’m not sure the last time someone gave me flowers.”

“Oh, that’ll never do,” Soren says. “Be prepared to be bombarded with flowers from here on out.”

I laugh. “I won’t complain.”

Griffin offers me his arm. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

Smiling up at him, I slide my arm through his and allow him to lead me to his truck. He gets me tucked into the front seat while the guys pile into the back, and then we’re off.

We end up eating at this amazing sushi place, and it’s honestly one of the best meals I’ve had in a while. Not just because of the food but because of the company. I love spending time with all three of them. Not that I don’t usually see them most days, but training isn’t the same. Sure, we’ll sneak kisses here and there, but it’s not the same as spending time together outside of the gym.

Once we’re done with dinner, we pile back into the truck. They still won’t tell me where we’re going, which is how I end up pouting for most of the drive.

When Griffin pulls off the road, I get a tiny glimpse of a sign, but it’s not lit up so I can’t read it well. He parks in the mostly empty lot as I stare up at the building.

“It looks closed.”

Griffin chuckles. “It is—to everyone but us. A friend of mine hooked me up. He made a call and was able to get the place rented out for me.”

“That’s cool...” I trail off. “But where are we?”

“We’re at the planetarium,” Soren says as he opens the back door. “We’re going to go look at stars and shit.”

Which turns out to be a lot more fun than I thought it would be. A picnic of desserts and champagne is set up for us, surrounded by a massive amount of blankets and pillows. Once we’ve eaten our fill, we lay back and stare up at the stars. It’s actually really beautiful. There are more than a few kisses exchanged and even some minor groping, but it’s kept mostly PG-13. By the time we call it a night, it’s after midnight.

When we make it back to Griffin’s place, Soren tries to cajole me into staying with the two of them, but as much as I’d love to, I’m exhausted and I still have training tomorrow. So I head off to home after giving them each a goodnight kiss.

It’s not until I’m halfway home that I realize there’s a piece of paper tucked under my windshield wiper blade. It’s a testament to how tired I am that I’m just now noticing it. Hopefully, it doesn’t get dislodged while I’m driving home because there’s no way I’m pulling over to grab it. I already know it’ll be from my stalker.

Pulling into the garage, I climb out and grab it.

You shouldn’t have worn it for them. It wasn’t for them—it was for me. You brought this on yourself.

All I can do is stare at the note in confusion. I’m too tired to deal with this right now. I crumple the paper and shove it in my bag. I'll deal with it in the morning.

The only thing that I find concerning is that it seems like my stalker’s the one who sent me the dress. Could they have been the one sending me clothes for the last few months? Ice cold fear rushes through me as I realize that this has been going on a lot longer than I thought it had been.

And what the hell do they mean I brought this on myself?

Shaking my head, I circle my SUV and head for the house. I’ll figure it out tomorrow.

Chapter Thirty-one


AsIstepintothe house, I’m surprised to see the lights in the living room on. My mom doesn’t often stay up this late, so I decide to see what’s going on.

I find my parents sitting on the couch, murmuring between the two of them. I sneer upon seeing my dad and consider backing out of the room before they realize I’m here. But it’s too late as my dad’s eyes swing to me.