ME:Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind.

Still avoiding Wilder’s messages, I flip back to Quinn’s. I can’t just leave her on read. Both she and Vicki were worried about me. It’s not up to me to decide if they want to be my friend or not. All I can do is try.

ME:Honestly? I’ve had a bad week.

ME:I’m still having a bad week, but today I woke up and was able to get out of bed. I finally checked my phone.

ME:That’s progress.

QUINN:It is. If you need anything, let me know.

ME:Thank you.

My heart is hammering in my chest. When was the last time I was honest with someone in my life about how I was feeling? Besides with her the other night, I don’t think I have been.

Part of me is glad that I was honest with Quinn and even Vicki to a point. The other part is freaking out that I’m going to scare them off. If I do scare them off, they weren’t meant to be in my life. I need to accept that.

With the decision made, I look at the two unread messages before clicking on the unknown number.

UNKNOWN:It was nice seeing you tonight.

Looking at the time stamp, I realize it was from the night I’d gone to The Guillotine. I frown, wondering who could have been texting me.

It’s probably a wrong number. The only people who have my number that I saw that night are Quinn, Vicki, and Wilder. Since I have messages from each of them, I know it’s not them. Therefore, it has to be a wrong number.

I quickly delete the message and click on Wilder’s, knowing that if I don’t do it now, I’ll lose my nerve.

WILDER:I don’t care if you’re suddenly besties with Quinn, I’ll find a way to keep you away.

WILDER:I don’t think your parents would approve of you going to the fights.

I snort at his audacity. Who the fuck does he think he is?

ME:Threaten me all you want, douche canoe, but you can’t keep me from doing whatever the hell I want.

ME:Go ahead and tell my parents. If they try to keep me from going to the fights, I’ll tell them the same thing I’m about to tell you.


Rage stirs within me as my fingers fly across my phone.

ME:How about we just pretend we don’t know one another since I’m such a burden to you?

I consider throwing my phone again, but I don’t want to break it. Instead, I power it off and leave it charging as I climb to my feet.

What made Wilder hate me so vehemently? What did I ever do to him?

Tears fill my eyes as the weight on my chest grows heavy once more. I don’t want to slip back into the depressive state I’ve finally found a reprieve from, but my thoughts are spiraling out of control again.

Moving to Freyr’s closet, I grab a pile of his t-shirts and head for the bathroom. The idea of staying in his bed for a second longer makes my skin crawl. My safe place suddenly doesn’t feel so safe anymore, but I don’t want to leave Freyr’s room. This is the one place where I can be surrounded by him.

Stepping into the bathroom, I drop the armful of shirts into the bathtub before climbing inside myself. I lift one of the shirts to my nose, my tears slipping free when I smell nothing more than fabric detergent. I scramble to pick up each of the shirts, desperate to get even a hint of his scent, but there’s nothing left on his clothes.

Sobs rock through me as I clutch his shirts to my chest.

I miss him so much.

I don’t know how much longer I can do this.