“I don’t know if I’d be any good, but if watching it makes me feel this much after months of nothing other than sadness, then what would it feel like to actually do it? It seems like something I should at least consider, right?”

Quinn nods. “I think it could be good for you. You’d need to find a good gym that could take you on—one that is willing to work with female fighters because not all of them are. Go ahead and put your number into my phone. I’ll send you a list of places that I think could work for you tomorrow so you can check them out.”

I grab the phone from Quinn and quickly enter my number, practically vibrating with excitement. “Thank you for that, Quinn. It means a lot.”

“Freyr was a part of my family, and by extension, so are you. Anything you need, you just let me know, and I’ll do what I can to make it happen.”

I duck my head, hiding my smile as I turn back to watch the other fight. No matter how many times someone calls me family tonight, I can’t get used to it.

I jump to my feet, cheering, when the fight ends, and Quinn laughs.

“Fighting just might be in your blood after all, little bird.”

Chapter Seven


I’mhavingadamngood time watching the fights which makes me beat myself up a little more for not coming with Freyr sooner. Something tells me that watching the fights with my brother would’ve been even better. Not to mention watching him fight.

That’s one regret I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life.

“Hey, Freya!” Vicki drops into the empty seat beside me, holding a glass out to me.

“Vicki! Hey! Thank you.” I grab the drink, lifting it to my lips. I don’t know when I finished the other one, but I’m glad to have another. I’ve been too lost in the fights to consider walking over to the bar to grab another.

Vicki laughs. “It looks like you’re enjoying yourself.”

“I fucking love it!”

Quinn and Vicki laugh together, and all I can do is shrug.

“Yeah, you’re definitely Freyr’s sister,” Vicki says, a hint of sadness in her eyes but a smile on her lips.

For the first time in six months, hearing his name doesn’t immediately make my eyes fill with tears—even though it has already happened many times over the course of the night.

No, Vicki’s words send a sense of pride rushing through me, which does set off the tears.

Vicki sighs. “Damn it. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry again.”

“No, Vicki.” I grab her hand, squeezing gently as I shoot her a smile. “That’s just it. For the first time, I didn’t get sad when someone said his name. I was proud of the way you said I was definitely his sister. I let the two of us grow too far apart, and I missed out on this part of his life. I’m glad I’m getting to experience it now.”

Vicki smiles. “Well, then I feel a little bit better at least.”

“So, I heard you were dating my brother.”

Vicki looks like a deer in headlights as she glances between me and Quinn. “Umm... yeah... He... We...”

“Hey, it’s okay. I just want to get to know you a little better since my brother obviously cared about you.”

“Yeah, I’d really like that.” The relieved look on her face has my smile growing. “I’m sure it’ll come as no surprise that we met here.”

I lean back in my chair as Vicki shares the story of how she met my brother and how they fell for one another. It’s sweet, and I hate that I missed it. That I didn’t know Vicki until now. But at least I’m getting the chance to get to know her now. Maybe the two of us can help one another out with the grief we’re both so obviously still going through.

“It’s time,” Quinn says, cutting off Vicki.

I follow her line of sight, realizing she’s staring at the largest of the cages.

“Welcome, ladies and gents. It’s time for our main fight. Who else is ready to see the fight to rival all fights? Tonight, we have Black Mamba versus Hellhound. Unless you’re new here, you’ll have heard about the rivalry between these two fighters. They always give us the best damn fights.”