“Charlotte didn’t make it until morning. My heart was broken, but I knew I couldn’t leave her out in the middle of the woods. I dragged her through the woods until I made it back into town. I called her parents and mine, and once I got home, I wanted nothing to do with anyone. I was no longer the girl I’d spent sixteen years being. I was damaged and broken. I didn’t trust anyone, and I didn’t feel safe in my own home.
“Though my parents didn’t like it, they let me leave on my own so I could figure out what type of person I could be with that much damage. Luckily, I had wealthy parents who made sure I never wanted for anything while I was on my own. I spent two years finding myself and learning how to defend myself. I was eighteen the first year I emerged on Mayhem as Mistress Mayhem.
“There was a group of college boys who were rich little assholes.” She snorts, lifting her hand to her mouth. “Oops. I don’t think I’m supposed to curse. Too late now.”
The crowd laughs, and I know she did it to lighten the mood after revealing her pain for all to see.
“These boys were raping women. If she turned one of them down, then they’d all hunt her down and hurt her. But the important part of this story is that they weren’t doing it during Mayhem, and their parents were paying off the women so they wouldn’t report the rapes. The five of them were my first kills, but they were far from my last. Last year, I finally sought vengeance for myself and Charlotte. I made the men who hurt us pay, and after that, I was left feeling empty.
“Who was I now that I no longer had vengeance driving me, pushing me to keep going? Luckily, I had found my three soulmates, so I had the three of them to lean on.” She shoots another smile in our direction. “But I needed more. I wanted to be able to save more victims like me. Like Charlotte. That’s where the idea for the center came, and today is the day we’ve finally achieved what we’ve set out to do. Never again will someone go through something traumatizing during Mayhem—or outside of it for those who like to break our laws—and have no support like I did. I might not be able to save everyone, but I can at least save some. That’s good enough for me.”
She gestures behind her at the massive building behind her. “And with that, The Charlotte Dupree Mayhem Victim Center is open for business. If you’re recovering from a traumatic event, please call us. We’ll do what we can to help you.”
The reporters yell out questions as Sage steps away from the podium, already moving toward the steps off the stage. The PR rep for the center, Mario, takes her place to answer their questions. We all rush over to the side of the stage. I even smile at the security guard as he lets us in. I rush ahead of the guys and Sage’s parents until I find her.
Her smile lights up her face when she sees me. I lift her into my arms, spinning her in circles before setting her on her feet and kissing the hell out of her. “You were brilliant, Sage.”
“You were beautiful and poised, little one. You made everyone feel what you were feeling. I know Charlotte will live in people’s memories because of what you’ve done with her name, and I couldn’t be more grateful.” I pull away from our girl so Austin can sweep her into his arms.
He buries his head in her neck, and I know from the way his shoulders move that he’s crying. Fox and I move as one, both laying a hand on his back in support. Laura and Bill Wellington arrive a few minutes later, just as Austin pulls away to wipe away both his and Sage’s tears.
“That went so well,” Laura says as she pulls Sage into her arms, hugging her close. “The reason it took us so long to get back here is that Rori stopped me to tell me donations have been pouring in over the last few minutes. Your story touched them.”
“Hell, yes, angel! You get those rich bitches!” Fox steps up behind her, lifting her off her feet and spinning her in a circle.
Sage shakes her head, patting his hand. “Can we not with the circles?”
“Are you not feeling well, princess?” All celebration leaves me as I step closer, lifting my arm up to check for a fever, but she feels fine.
Sage shakes her head again, glancing around before turning back to us. “I was going to wait to tell you all until later, but this is just as good of a time as any. I went to the doctor’s this morning, and they confirmed that I’m pregnant.”
All I can do is stare at her in shock, not one hundred percent sure I heard her correctly. No one moves for a moment, but then Austin is dropping to his knees before her.
“Pregnant? Did they tell you the conception date?” His big hands stroke along her still flat stomach as she laughs.
“Early April. Would you believe it?”
A grin breaks out on his face as he leans forward to press a kiss to her tummy. “Do you hear that, child of mine? Your daddy did good. He made sure Mommy got pregnant at the first possible moment.”
“We’re having a baby?” Fox squeals—like a literal high-pitched squeal, and all I can do is shake my head as he races forward to kiss her.
“Honey, we’re so happy for the four of you,” Bill says with a soft smile. “But I think we’ll leave you to it while we head in to make sure everything is ready for the party.”
Sage waves to her parents but can’t say anything as Fox refuses to stop kissing her. Finally, she manages to push him away. She turns to me with worry in her eyes. “Coop?”
“That’s amazing news, princess.” I rush over to her, realizing I’ve worried her with my silence. “You know how much we all want this—I know you do.”
She shrugs. “You could’ve changed your mind.”
“Never,” I say vehemently. “When it comes to you—to us—I’ll never change my mind. The four of us are family. We’re forever.”
She sags against me as we all surround her. I let my eyes fall shut, finally absorbing the news—we’re having a baby. That’s the best fucking news.
“I wonder who she’ll look like,” I say softly, and Sage beams up at me.
I just shrug. “I’d like a little girl. But if it’s a boy, I’d be just as happy.”