“Is that my prey I hear?” I say, a wicked grin sliding across my lips. I pause, listening for a moment before following the sounds of running footsteps. Unlike me, my prey are all wearing shoes, making it much easier to track them.
I turn the next corner, catching a glimpse of someone at the other end of the hallway, just dipping around the corner. My smile only grows, making me look deranged, I’m sure. But this right here? This is the best part of the night. I’ve always loved the chase.
And it’s not just because I’ve given them hope that I’ll tear away from them. The chase gets all of our blood pumping, and it makes them put up a fight. They think they stand a chance against me, and I can’t wait to prove them wrong.
I dash down the hallways, putting on a burst of speed. This time I reach the turn in time to see that it’s William.
“Oh, Billy boy, I have your scent now. It won’t be much longer until you’re dead by my hand,” I taunt. “You better run faster. Death is nipping at your heels.”
I don’t bother to keep my voice down, wanting any of the others in the area to hear me as well.
William glances over his shoulder, eyes widening when he realizes just how close I’ve gotten. He swings back around, and I can tell he’s already struggling with the physical exertion. These men are in terrible shape, and it’s showing. They thought they’d always be at the top of the food chain, and now they’re not.
Sucks to be them.
I feel movement behind me and swing around, my hand pulling one of the daggers from my holster as I do so. Realizing it’s just Cooper, I roll my eyes and lower my weapon.
“Maybe don’t sneak up on the woman with the knives while she’s hunting?” I cock an eyebrow before shaking my head and taking off down the hallway once more.
Unfortunately, Cooper’s distraction has made me lose William. It’s not a huge deal. I was only trying to scare him. Now, it’s time to find another rabbit to chase.
“I’m coming for you,” I crow. “Keep running like the little scared rabbits you are.”
I can still feel Cooper shadowing my every move, but it’s easy to push his presence to the back of my mind. My ears strain to hear any movement above the music, but I don’t hear anything.
Not until I hear Fox burst out laughing, following it up with a bellow. “That’s right, asshole. It’s not just Mistress Mayhem in here with you! You’re going to need to hide better than that if you want to escape her.”
I snicker, hearing a grunt just before someone crashes into one of the walls. Seems Fox has scared someone. Perfect.
I glide down the hallways, looking around corners before turning down them. With the lights turned down as low as they are, it’s hard to see, but I’m used to hunting under these conditions. There are plenty of dark corners for people to hide in, which should worry me but doesn’t.
My entire body buzzes with the knowledge that at any moment, one of my abusers could launch themselves at me. Seems weird, I know, but I know I can handle them. I’ve worked hard to be sure that I can. Every time I hear any sounds near me, I yell out another taunt which sends the little rabbits scurrying.
Have I mentioned how much I love playing with my food?
“Shit.” A whispered curse brings me to a halt as I try to pinpoint where the sound has come from. Turning my head from side to side, I use my eyes and ears to try to figure out where the noise came from.
To the right, there’s a hint of a white shirt. Sure, it could be one of my men and not one of the men we’re chasing, but something tells me it isn’t. I don’t like to ignore my instincts.
I grin as “Vendetta” by UNSECRET and Krigarè begins playing. My entire playlist is filled with music from hundreds of years ago, and I love it.
I press myself close to the wall as I head down the hallway, realizing we’re really close to the center of the maze. If one or more of them have reached the center, then it’s time. I’m ready for my first kill of the night.
While I can’t see or hear him, I know Cooper is still shadowing me. Part of me is pissed that he thinks I can’t take care of myself, but the other part loves that he’ll be here to see my kill. I’ve never had anyone in the maze with me while I’m hunting. Knowing that he, Austin, and Fox are in here with me somehow makes this even better.
I slink down hallway after hallway, hearing just hints of noises. The way they’re moving tells me they don’t know how close I am. If they did, they definitely wouldn’t be walking so calmly through these halls.
I smile at a sigh of relief, and I know that they’ve found the center of the maze. It takes me just a moment more before I’ve reached the entrance, peering around the wall to see who I’ve caught. It’s Lawrence, whose eyes are darting around the space as he tries to work out what to do next.
The center is wide open and has six different entrances. He could choose to dart down one of the other hallways, but he doesn’t seem inclined to do so. It makes sense, considering he’s the only one of the four of them who looks like they’re out of shape. At least the other three seem fit—just not fit enough for a chase through a maze.
Lawrence’s eyes go to the table in the middle of the open space. Even in the limited light, I can see him trying to figure out why it’s there. If he were to go investigate it further, he would find there are chains dangling from each of the corners. It would probably freak him out even more than he already is.
I have to bite back a laugh when he heads for it—he really has no idea I’m here.
I guess curiosity really will kill the cat this time.