Page 34 of Mistress Mayhem

That has me clenching down on his fingers, and we both moan.

“I’m on birth control. I can’t get pregnant,” I finally tell him.

“Doesn’t matter. Though we’re going to need to talk about that later.”

I bite my lip, not fully understanding why his words turn me on so much. Do I really want to get pregnant right now?

I mean, obviously, I can’t right this second, but the idea of carrying one of their children is appealing.

We sit like this for a few minutes before I start getting antsy. Austin sighs, sliding his fingers from me. “I know. We need to get back out there.”

I nod, sitting up slowly, wincing as his cum begins to slide from me once more. “We do, and I need to not get cum all over my dress.”

Austin pushes me back onto the bed, kissing me quickly before jumping up. “I’ll fix that.”

Before I can ask him what he’s talking about. He ducks into the bathroom, and I hear the water running. I lean up on my elbows so I can see him when he steps back into the room, a wet washcloth in his hands.

“I’ll clean you up, and then we’ll head back to the ballroom. The faster we deal with those bastards, the faster I can be inside your pussy again.”

What does it say about me that my heart flutters when he bends down to clean me up? I’ve never had anyone take care of me like this before, and I kind of love it.

Chapter Seventeen


AustinandIwalkback into the ballroom, hand-in-hand under the cloak of darkness.

This right here is what I wanted—what I’ve always wanted. But even now, the only reason I’m able to do it is because it’s almost pitch black.

I need this to be done and over with so I can finally move on with my life. This right here with Austin—with all three of them—is what I want. I’ve spent ten years readying myself to seek out my revenge, but after this? After this, I want to really live my life. I want to figure out what else I want to do with my life beyond punishing the wicked on Mayhem. I hope the three of them realize I won’t be giving this up. I don’t think I can at this point.

But I don’t want it to be the center of my universe. I want to exist for something more than vengeance. I want to live my life full of love with the three of them. I just hope that’s what they all want too.

Forcing myself to take a deep breath, I smile up at Austin when he gives me a worried look, hoping that it’ll assure him I’m alright. That’s enough deep thinking for the night. I need to focus on the task at hand.

I scan the crowd, trying to find Cary in the darkness. Hopefully, either Fox or Cooper has eyes on him because finding him in this mess is going to be hard.

The party has turned into a massive orgy. The scent of sex drifts to my nose as my eyes pan around the room. Everywhere I look, there’s someone having sex. My employees, the guests. Everyone.

I can’t help the laugh that spills from my lips as I watch. What they don’t know is that I have night vision cameras recording every single thing that’s happening in this room right now. Tonight might be about seeking my vengeance against the four men I’m hunting, but it’s also about preparing to burn this fucking town down.

Lockwood is filled with people who don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves. I’m sure some of them know about what Cary, Howard, Lawrence, and William were up to, but not a single one of them lifted a hand to stop it. Who knows what other illegal activities they’re involved in? Hell, they’ll pay for their complicity in the corruption—even if they weren’t involved.

Lockwood is a cesspool, and I’ll be the one to cleanse it with fire so that it can be healed. They just don’t know that yet.

“Do you see Cary?”

Austin shakes his head. “I also don’t see Fox or Cooper. Did you mean for this to turn into a giant orgy?”

“Abso-fucking-lutely,” I say with a grin. “That’s why I pumped it full of Mayhem. All of this? It’ll help bring down this town, but that’s a problem for another day.”

“You’re so fucking hot when you talk about getting revenge.” Austin jerks me against his chest, his head ducking down to kiss me, but before our lips can meet, someone clears their throat.

The two of us jump apart to find Cooper and Fox standing there. As usual, Cooper is scowling while Fox just grins as he looks between the two of us. “The two of you have been gone a long time. Did Howard give you a lot of trouble, or did you get distracted?”

Once again, I’m thankful for the darkness shrouding us as my cheeks flush. Choosing to ignore his question, I ask, “Do either of you have eyes on Cary?”

They both shake their heads, and my shoulders deflate. Damn it.