“We can’t go in there like this.” I raise our joined hands so there’s no confusion about what I’m talking about.
“Of course not.” Fox leans over to brush one last kiss against my lips before offering me his arm. “But we can go in there like this.”
I laugh, taking a moment to look him over. “Everyone’s going to know what we were doing based on your appearance.”
Fox’s blond hair is even more unkempt than usual. There are a few smudges of black and white makeup around his lips, surprising me since he said my makeup was still flawless. His button up is wrinkled, and his jacket isn’t quite sitting right. He looks like he just got fucked hard—which, I guess, he did.
“Do you care?”
I shake my head. “Not a damn bit. But you can’t act all clingy. The only way I’m going to be able to lure Lawrence away is by making him think I want to sleep with him.”
He makes a face. “Yeah, I know. But I sure as fuck don’t like it.”
“You have your own part to play. Now, let’s get this part over with, yeah?”
Fox nods, leading me back into the ballroom. More than a few eyeballs turn our way as we walk inside. I hold my head high. I have nothing to be ashamed of after all—no matter what these judgy assholes think.
I know I shouldn’t judge them all based on others’ actions, but my interactions with most people in this city have been... disappointing. Maybe it’s time Lockwood burned to the ground?
No. That isn’t today’s plan. Maybe one day in the future, but tonight there’s something much more important for me to accomplish.
My eyes land on Lawrence, and I lead us toward him. Once we stop in front of him, I drop my hold on Fox’s arm. He glances between me and Fox with a look of disdain. “How is it that you left with William and came back with this boy?”
I grin at that, shooting him a wink as I turn back to Fox. Reaching up, I pat him on the cheek. “It was fun, but we’re done now. Go enjoy the party.”
Something flashes in his eyes as he stares back at me before he nods, turning on his heel and walking away.
“I bet he didn’t even make you come.” Lawrence scoffs.
I laugh at that. “In that, you’d be wrong.”
“What you need is to be fucked by a real man.”
Turning my attention back to him, I lift an eyebrow. “Are you saying that you’re a real man and that you’d fuck me better than the man three decades your junior?”
“You’re damn right.”
I nod slowly. “That’s exactly what William said you’d say. Did you know your friend is really into sharing women? That’s the only reason I fucked that guy. I don’t even know his name, but William said he liked fucking me when I’m pressed between him and someone else.
“In fact,” I pat his chest lightly, “he told me to bring you back in about thirty minutes. He needed a break and a few drugs so he could go again.”
Lawrence just blinks down at me, obviously shocked at my words. I shoot him a wink. “In the meantime, I’m going to make my rounds. I’ll be back for you soon.”
“Wait. What?” Lawrence tries to grab my arm, but I easily dodge his grasp.
Wiggling my fingers at him, I step into the crowd. Let him stew on that for a while. It’ll just make him more determined to have me and not just because his friend had me first. At least that’s what he thinks.
These men might be friends and colleagues, but they also want to one-up the others. It’s the way of the upper crust assholes who live in Lockwood.
Okay, not all of them. Some of the people who live here are amazing, including mine and Fox’s parents, but the vast majority of them are just a waste of space—in my humble opinion, of course.
I continue walking through the ballroom, stopping to speak to anyone who calls out to me. This is the part I hate the most. I don’t mind mingling or talking to other people, but I hate the way they expect me to want to talk to them. They’re all so far beneath my time, but if I want to pull this off, I have to continue to pretend to give a shit about all of them.
After all, tonight isn’tjustabout getting revenge on the men who’d broken me. No, it’s also about collecting as much dirt as I can on those attending. Why would I want that dirt? Because, eventually, I will probably want to burn this town to the ground, and what better way than by destroying its residents.
I catch Fox’s eyes across the room, a smile blooming on my lips before I school my expression.
“He’s hot,” one of the women says, following my line of sight.