I tense at the man’s voice but keep my face relaxed as we stop, turning to face Cooper. Cary glances at me, and I nod.
He lifts my hand to his lips, placing a kiss on the back of it before handing me off to Cooper. “It was a wonderful, albeit brief, dance, Sage. Hopefully, we can do it again.”
“I would like that, Cary. Thank you. I’ll be sure to look for you later.” Turning to Cooper, I raise an eyebrow. “And who would you be?”
Cooper pulls me into his arms, much closer than Cary had. “You can cut the bullshit. He’s gone.”
I don’t answer him right away, taking my time to just look at him. He looks so much like the boy I loved. His hair is still too long, and he still has all of his piercings. His face is covered in scruff, but instead of taking away from his attractiveness, it just makes him hotter. The biggest difference I see is his eyes that are peering at me distrustingly. I’ve never seen this look aimed at me before. I don’t think I like it.
“I’m not sure what you mean.” I keep my tone light. Maybe I can convince him I’m not who he thinks I am—even though I am. I just need him to go away and leave me alone. I can’t deal with them right now—or ever, really.
“Did you really think we wouldn’t recognize you?” Cooper laughs. “I clocked you the minute you stepped into the room. I saw how you stumbled when you saw Fox. I see everything, babe—I always have when it comes to you.”
Choosing to ignore his words, I know the gig is up. Now, I just need to make sure he doesn’t call me Avery. “Why are you here, Cooper?”
“Why areyouhere?”
I bite my tongue to keep myself from growling at him. He’s always been able to get under my skin. “My mom said you don’t live in Lockwood anymore—that none of you do.”
“You still talk to your parents? That’s good.” He tilts his head as he stares down at me. “Why the new name, Avery?”
I glance around, afraid someone might have heard his use of my previous name, but no one is close enough to have overheard our whispered words. “So assholes won’t know I’m coming for them. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t refer to me by it. My name is Sage Davenport now. Why are you here, Cooper?”
He considers me for a moment before nodding. “Sage suits you. I like it. As for why we’re here, we have a job,”
“A job?”
Instead of answering, he dips me backward before righting me once more. “It’s really good to see you again. I’ve missed you. We all have.”
Butterflies flutter in my stomach at his words, tears building behind my eyes. I blink them away as I pull out of his hold, shaking my head. “The three of you need to stay the hell out of my way. I have plans for tonight, and I won’t let you ruin them for me.”
Turning on my heel, my eyes land on Lawrence, and I head in his direction. I haven’t been introduced to him yet, but it’s about time to change that so I can get on with my fun for the evening.
Standing just beyond Lawrence, I find Fox and Austin staring at me. Like Cooper, they look so much like the boys I had to leave behind, but they’ve grown up. Austin is somehow bulkier than I remember and has a beard. I’ve never been much into beards, but on him? It’s fucking hot.
Fox looks much the same, but his face is scruffy, like Cooper’s. I guess he was finally able to grow facial hair after all. His piercing green eyes try to catch mine, but I duck my head. I can’t get lost in them right now. I need them to leave me alone.
Both of their faces are blank, but they don’t even try to hide where their interest is locked—completely on me.
They’re totally going to fuck this up for me, aren’t they?
Chapter Seven
IsmileasIstep up beside Lawrence. I’m a little surprised to find William standing there as well, but I hide it well. “Hello, everyone. My name is Sage, though I’m sure you know that from my speech. I’m just making my rounds and meeting some of my guests.”
Lawrence’s date giggles as she holds out her hand. “Hi, Sage. I’m Chastity.”
I have to fight back a snicker at that. Somehow I doubt chastity is part of her personality.
Lawrence lets out a sigh. “No one cares what your name is, girl. You’re here because you’re pretty and you do a decent job of sucking my cock. Now, keep your mouth shut until I’m ready for it to suck me, and let the adults talk.”
Chastity’s face falls, and I see red. I open my mouth to lay into this bastard for being just that when William’s wife steps up and slaps him across his face.
“What the hell was that for? William, you better get your woman under control.”