I realized that when Sage told me to stay away and when Austin told me to go home, they didn’t mean it. They were testing me. This isn’t the first time she and I have fought. Austin never seems to piss her off, and she only gets annoyed at Fox’s shenanigans occasionally, but the two of us? We’re like adding gasoline to a fire once we get started.
We’re both stubborn as hell, and neither of us is good at taking direction from others. It means we bump heads a lot, but it’s nothing like this. And now I’m going to make it up to her in averypublic way. Hopefully, she doesn’t kill me for that.
I can hear the party in full swing as I step back into the center. As I hurry to the room we were using to get ready, all I can do is hope that Bill did his part.
Honestly, I would’ve thought he would be just as pissed at me as the others. Instead, he’d understood and helped me come up with a way to make it right. It means more to me than he could possibly know.
It doesn’t take me long to get dressed in my tux—I’m still sour over having to don oneagain. As if I wasn’t tortured enough by having to wear one during Mayhem. Sage is lucky I love her and support her in every way. Even when I fuck up and say things I don’t fully mean without thinking.
Shaking my head, I pull my hair back and glance in the mirror to make sure it’s not a mess. Happy enough with the results, I head for the large room where the party is being held. When I get there, I realize that not only is the alcohol flowing, but the party has spilled out into the hallways. At least that’ll help me blend in until I’m ready to face Sage.
I hurry toward the back of the room and spot Bill waiting for me. He gestures for me to hurry, and we duck behind one of the speakers. He leans close so he can yell loud enough for me to hear him over the music.
“The DJ is onboard.” He nods to the man looking down at us before handing me a mic. “Now that you’re here, he’ll signal you when he’s ready. Then the stage is yours.”
I nod, nerves running through me as he scurries back to the party. There’s a good chance Sage will be so angry with me that she’ll rip me to shreds before I even finish my speech, but I have to at least try. What we have is worth fighting for—she’s worth fighting for.
“I hope all of you are enjoying yourself,” the DJ says with a smile. “We have a small surprise for you all.”
When he nods at me, I take a deep breath before turning the mic on. I force a smile as I turn the corner.
“As you all know, the woman behind this whole program is Sage Davenport. What you may not know is just how amazing this woman is. But I do, and so do the other two men in her life. Soulmates, she called us, and it’s honestly the perfect word for what we are to one another. She came into our lives as a bright-eyed young girl, and I never wanted her to leave.
“Now, for those of you in relationships, you know that sometimes we like to put our foot in our mouth. Or at least I do. Tonight, Sage made me, Fox, and Austin the happiest men alive. She shared the most amazing news, and like the asshole I am, I ruined the moment with my mouth. Obviously, I can’t change that memory for any of us. But what I can do is at least attempt to make it right.”
My eyes scan the crowd, trying to find my girl, but I don’t see her anywhere. “Sage? I know you’re angry with me—and you should be. I was an idiot, per usual. But if you could please come out so I can at least see you while I’m spilling my heart out for everyone to hear, it would mean a lot to me.”
I see movement from the corner of my eye, turning my head to see Austin marching toward me. I fight to keep the smile on my face, knowing there’s a good chance he’s coming over to tell me to leave. But as the crowd parts before him, I realize he’s carrying Sage over to me. She’s struggling in his arms, her face red, but there she is.
“Now, be a good girl, and listen to what Coop has to say,” Austin rumbles as he sets her down on her feet.
Sage spins on her heel and punches him straight in the gut. There are gasps from the audience, but my girl doesn’t give two shits.
“Don’t take out your anger on him, princess. I’m the one you’re mad at. Austin is just trying to help a guy out.”
Sage’s jaw clenches as she slowly turns to face me, arms crossed over her chest. She’s still the most beautiful woman in the world.
“Even when you’re angry with me, you’re still the most stunning woman in the room. No offense to all the other women in the room, but this woman here? She’s it for me. She’s the one, or whatever it is they talk about. I know I messed up and reacted badly, but you have to know I don’t want to own you, Sage.” I take a deep breath before forcing myself to continue. “You were right when you said I couldn’t control you. When you said I had no right to tell you what you can and can’t do.
“What I meant to say is I’d like to have a conversation about my concerns. I know you would never do anything to harm you or—“ I break off, realizing I’d almost announced that she was pregnant. “Or any of us. When I worry, I lash out. My filter disappears, and I turn into the biggest asshole in the world. I’ve been like this since we were kids. I know why this made you angrier than usual. I really do. And I’ll do anything you want to make it up to you.
“If you want me to be your slave for the rest of your life, I’ll do it. If you want me to clean the bathroom with a toothbrush, I’m your man. I’ll crawl on my hands and knees over broken glass for you. Whatever you deem a suitable punishment, just please don’t leave me. Without you, Austin, and Fox, there’s nothing for me. No reason to live. The three of you are my world. So tell me how I can fix this. How can I make it right?”
There are tears in Sage’s eyes as she launches herself across the short distance to my arms. I drop the mic as I pull her close to me. She buries her face into my chest, her body shaking with sobs. I can tell she’s trying to say something, but she’s just too upset. I take her face in my hands, tilting her head back so she’s looking up at me. Her hands wrap around my wrists, and she clings to me.
“Take a deep breath for me, princess. I have no idea what you’re trying to say around your tears.” I keep taking deep breaths, and she follows my lead until her tears stop falling. “Now, do you want to try that again?”
“That’s why you were such an asshole, wasn’t it? You were afraid of me leaving you—all of you. You’re worried that one of us is going to get hurt during Mayhem?”
I shrug, wanting to deny her words but knowing that she’s dead on. “Probably. I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to question you as a mother, and I know I can’t force you to do a damn thing you don’t want to do. It was just like this wall of fear washed over me, and I knew I couldn’t lose you or the baby.”
“You’re lucky that was a damn good speech, and there will definitely be punishment,” she tells me as her hands fall from my arms and slide up my chest. “Now kiss me, Coop, and make it a damn good one.”
And I gladly do. Tonight might have been our worst fight to date, but of course, there will be bumps and bruises along the way. But I’ll never stop fighting for my princess.
Chapter Thirty-one