Page 60 of Mistress Mayhem

I smirk at that, ideas already running through my head. Looking back down at Sage, I realize she’s already out cold. “I think that’s a brilliant idea. Here’s what I’m thinking...”

Chapter Twenty-nine


April 2285

Idigmyfingersinto the soil, loving the way it feels between my fingers.


I look up at the sound of Sage's voice, a smile breaking out as she shuts her car door and heads toward me. I pat the dirt back down before standing up, brushing my dirty hands on my pants.

"Wow. This looks amazing." Sage beams up at me after she takes in the flowers I just planted.

"Thanks, little one." I lean over and brush my lips against hers before straightening. "What are you doing home? I thought you were going to be gone all day?"

Sage giggles. "It's after three, Austin. Did you lose track of time while you were gardening again?"

I shoot her a sheepish grin. "Maybe..."

"Well, come on then. Let's go get you cleaned up and see what Fox is up to." She grabs my dirty hand in hers before dragging me toward the house. Not that she needs to drag me. I'd follow her anywhere.

As we approach the house, I smile. We moved in almost a month ago, and we're so much happier on our own than we were once Sage's band of psychos joined us. Not that they're all bad—I actually like most of them. But they were always in and out of our old house, and it was hard to get alone time with Sage.

Now she's so busy with getting the center set up that she's gone for most of the day. But once she's home? She's completely ours then. Something we absolutely make good use of. She's been fucked by one or all of us on every surface inside the house and a lot of them outside the house as well. I love the privacy we have here, with trees surrounding our home and a perimeter fence to keep out the crazies. Well, all theothercrazies because, obviously, the four of us are here.

"Fox? Babe? Where are you?" Sage starts calling out for him as soon as she steps inside, but she doesn't release my hand.

"In the kitchen," he calls back. She quickly heads for it, pulling me along with her.

We come to an abrupt stop just outside of the kitchen, both of our eyes widening at the sight before us. Every available counter is covered in different pots and pans—some empty, some with uncooked food in them, and others that smell delicious. There's a light dusting of what I'm guessing is flour all over the place—the counters, the floor, and even on Fox.

"What's going on, Fox?"

He glances up from the stove where he's frying something, the look in his eyes completely manic. "I'm trying out some new recipes. I didn't have anything else going on today, so I figured it was as good of a time as any."

Sage's face softens as she releases my hand, moving toward Fox. "Babe?"

Fox's shoulders slump as he turns off the stove, moving the pan to the side. He looks around him as if this is the first moment he realized the mess that surrounds him. "Well, fuck. I just couldn't get my mind to turn off. You know how it's been. I was getting frustrated with myself about still not figuring out what I want to do, so I decided to do some baking. That turned into cooking, and... I didn't realize it got this out of hand."

"That's okay." She holds her hand out, and he eagerly slips his into it. "We were just about to get Austin all cleaned up. We can get you cleaned up at the same time."

Sage leads him back to me, taking my hand with her free one before pulling us toward the stairs. Up we go and to the end of the hallway to her room, which has a massive en suite attached. When we were having the house built, we knew that we each needed our own space—Sage included.

She has what's considered the master bedroom. It's massive, and we put in a massive bed, and made sure that we could all use the bathroom at the same time if we choose to. But it's up to Sage to decide who, if any of us, will stay with her each night. More often than not, all three of us end up in here with her. I can't sleep when I'm away from her, and she knows that. She does her best to never play favorites, but we also get one-on-one time with her in the bedroom at least once or twice a month.

While we'd been so sure we wanted to share her, we hadn't known what that would look like. It's even better than I could have ever imagined. With all of us so busy with our new projects, it's nice to know that someone is always here for Sage when she needs us. It's easier to give her everything she needs when there's more than one of us. I'm really beginning to understand why poly relationships have gotten so popular.

Once she drags us into the bathroom, she drops our hands. "Strip."

She doesn't have to tell me twice. I yank the tank top over my head, throwing it to the side before yanking down my shorts. I kick them off along with my shoes and socks while Sage moves to the shower. She messes with the settings until the spray begins to fall from the ceiling and the shower heads along the wall.

"Both of you get in there and get clean." She gestures to me and Fox.

"You're not joining us?" Fox sounds like a petulant child, and I have to bite back a laugh.

Sage doesn't bother holding back her laugh, moving over to him and slapping his ass. "No. You two clean up and then I'll help you get dirty again. In the meantime, I've got wonderful news to share!"