Page 54 of Mistress Mayhem


Thefirsttimewewake up is mid-afternoon, and we take a bit to eat some food. Afterward, they have to send proof of death to their unknown client. I can’t deny that I’m curious about who could’ve hired them to kill the same four men I planned on killing. It seems like too much of a coincidence.

Once they’re done, they turn their attention to me, and I know they want to talk about what comes next, but I’m just not ready for that conversation. Not because I don’t want to be with them, but because I’m afraid we won’t want the same things.

“I need more sleep,” I tell them, turning away so I don’t have to meet their eyes. “Let’s get a little more sleep, and then we can talk. I promise.”

Silence fills the room before they begin shuffling back to the bed. I let out a sigh of relief as Austin pulls me into his arms, snuggling into my back. He presses a kiss to the top of my head. “We’re not trying to pressure you, little one. We’re just...”

“Excited,” Fox supplies. “We just found you, and we don’t want to lose you again.”

“I understand. I just... I’m so tired my head is throbbing, and that’s not productive for important conversations.”

Cooper lays in front of me, laying his hand on my hip and squeezing. “Then sleep, princess. Close your eyes and sleep. We’ll be here when you wake up.”

As Fox settles at the end of the bed, his hands on my feet, I let sleep pull me under once more.

I don’t know how long I sleep for, but when I blink my eyes open, the moon is in the sky. I’m in the bed alone, but I hear voices coming from the sitting room just outside the bedroom. The door is ajar, some light sifting through the open doorway.

I sit up slowly, stretching my aching muscles. I feel like I slept like the dead. A glance at the clock shows that it’s almost 8:00. No wonder my body is aching.

I roll out of bed, and after a quick stop in the bathroom, I head for the sitting room.

“Morning,” I mumble as I head for the coffeepot. The room falls silent around me, but I finish what I’m doing before turning around to look at them. I lift the cup to my lips, humming as the magic bean juice hits my taste buds. After this cup, I should feel a little more human. “Everything okay?”

“Yup,” Fox says, but doesn’t say anything else.

I roll my eyes. “You’re all acting weird.”

“We’re hoping that you’re ready for the conversation you’ve been putting off.” Cooper smirks. “But they didn’t want to push you.”

That makes me grin. “While I appreciate that, it’s unnecessary. I told you we’d talk once I got more sleep.”

I join them at the table and smile. Before any of us can say anything, my phone goes off. Glancing down at my phone, I sigh when I see it’s my mom. I can’t ignore her call.

“Sorry, guys. I have to take this.” I answer the call with a flick of my finger before lifting it to my ear. “Hey, Mom.”

“Sage, thank goodness. I’ve been calling you for hours.”

I roll my eyes to the ceiling, reminding myself that I have to be patient with her. At least she didn’t call me Avery this time. I’ll call that a win.

“Mayhem was last night, Mom. I’ve been sleeping.”

She clears her throat, and I have to bite back a sigh. I’ve never lied to my parents about what I do or who I am now, but that doesn’t mean they like it. I hadn’t even told them what I had planned last night, but they know I’m in town so I’m sure it won’t be long until they figure it out.

“Of course, honey. I don’t know what I was thinking.” She hesitates. “I wanted to see if you’d like to come over for dinner?”

“It’s eight at night, Mom. You’re telling me you haven’t already eaten?”

She laughs. “Of course I have. That’s why I’ve been calling you for hours, but I made more than enough so I can warm up leftovers.

“That’s sweet.” I glance at the guys. “But I’m not alone...”

“Ohhhh?” I can hear the interest in my mom’s voice and immediately want to beat my head against the table. “Anyone I know?”

I consider lying to her, but I don’t want the guys to think I’m ashamed of them or something. “Yeah, I’m with Austin, Fox, and Cooper.”

I can practically hear her eyebrows lifting. “Well.. that’s nice. There’s definitely enough food for them as well. Why don’t the four of you come over?”