“Didwefuckherinto a coma?” is the first thing I hear as I wake up. I snort at Fox’s ridiculousness before blinking open my eyes. I’m lying on the floor between Austin and Cooper, who are both cuddled up to me with their arms thrown over various parts of my body. Fox is sitting at my feet, rubbing the soles with his thumbs.
I moan when he hits a spot that feels especially good, and I can feel three sets of eyes on me.
“Definitely not in a coma,” I inform Fox while Cooper snickers. I let my eyes fall shut, enjoying the warmth from the bodies on either side of me. “I could get used to this.”
“You should get used to this.” Austin presses further into my back, his hand trailing up and down my hip and thigh.
Cooper cups my chin in his hand, lifting it until I meet his eyes. “You do realize tonight wasn’t a one-off for us, don’t you?”
I shrug. Now that all four of the men who terrorized me are dead, I don’t know where to go from here. Yes, I want to live my life now that I’m free of the weight of vengeance, but I have no idea what that looks like.
“Well, if you didn’t, you do now. We want this to be more than just one night. We want this to be forever.” Fox sounds so eager that I turn my head to give him a soft smile.
“But what would that look like? What does that mean?”
Before anyone can answer, three thrilling beeps sound over the speakers and the music cuts off.
“Shit.” I jump to my feet. “That’s the thirty-minute warning. I still need to give a closing speech to the assholes in the ballroom. I have no idea what I’m going to wear though, since someone decided to slice off a perfectly acceptable dress.”
“It was covered in blood, Sage,” Cooper argues, making his face. “That was far from acceptable.”
At that, I roll my eyes. “Do you think I care if they know I spent the night getting bloody? It can be a warning to them that I’m coming for them next. And now it’s ruined. Unless the three of you want me to walk out there completely naked?”
“Fuck no!”
“You’re definitely not doing that.”
“No way, brat!”
All three of them speak at the same time, and all I can do is shake my head as they clamber to their feet.
“So what do you expect me to do? Walk out of here naked and go find something else to wear?” I gesture in the general direction of the exit. “My guards are going to see my naked ass when we come up to the door for them to let us out either way.”
“The fuck they will.” Cooper appears in front of me, slipping his shirt over my shoulders. He gets to work buttoning it all the way to the bottom before stepping back, nodding. “This will do. It covers all the important bits.”
“And the blood! Did you not listen to me? I’m swimming in this damn thing.”
Austin chuckles as he moves to stand beside me, his hands dropping to the sleeve that he immediately begins to roll up. “You’re swimming in it less than you would be if it was my shirt. But we can also fix this. Fox, get the other sleeve.”
I’m a little disappointed to see that both Austin and Fox have already pulled their pants and shirts back on, though their shirts are wide open, giving me a great view of their chests and stomachs. Damn, they’re so yummy.
They roll the sleeves up to my elbows, revealing the blood that spots my arms while Cooper pulls on his pants. Then Austin steps in front of me and undoes the top few buttons, revealing the tops of my blood-covered tits. Fox and Cooper drop to their knees when he steps back, sliding my discarded daggers into their thigh holsters once more.
“Where’s my knife, Coop?”
He wrinkles his nose before producing it out of nowhere. “Are you sure I can’t keep it as a souvenir?”
“No! You cannot keep my throwing knife as a souvenir. What the fuck is wrong with you? This is part of a set that was specially made for me. The only way you can get it, and the rest of the set, is by prying it from my cold, dead hands.”
“Kinky,” Fox says with a wink. He snatches the knife from Cooper and slides it into the holster. “You don’t need to worry, angel. They’ll be plenty scared of you as soon as their eyes land on you.”
“Good.” I turn my nose up at them and move across the room. “Hurry up. Stay close—wouldn’t want you getting lost in the maze.”
It takes us five minutes to reach the exit, taking the most direct route there this time. I bang on the door and flip off the camera until the door swings open. I step out, finding three guards waiting there as they were tasked. Their eyes go wide, jaws dropping as I step through.
I smirk, loving that I’ve somehow managed to surprise them, even though all of them have worked with me from the beginning. Their eyebrows shoot up as Fox, Austin, and Cooper step out of the door behind me.
“They’re all dead. We’re heading for the ballroom for the final speech. There are a handful of dead guards, and Alice was killed.”