Page 3 of Mistress Mayhem

“Oh, Miss Wellington. To be as naïve as you are again. Your family won’t be able to find you, and by the time they do, you’ll be dead.” He laughs, and it causes a shiver to run down my spine. It’s not a pleasant sound in the least. “You’ll begin your training in a few hours, and we’ll make sure you’re ready for whoever purchases you on Mayhem. They’ll do whatever they want with you for the night, and then they’ll kill you. You’ll just be another victim of Mayhem. No one will be any wiser.”

“You act like they won’t report me missing! They’ll never let go of this! Neither will Charlotte’s family or my boyfriend. You fucked with the wrong girls. Our families are filthy rich. You’ll never get away with this.”

“We already have, Miss Wellington. Why don’t you take a nap? Hopefully, you’ll be feeling a little less combative after a nap.”

The hissing sound starts up again, and I know I don’t have long until I pass out again.

I don’t know who this man—or men because I doubt there is only one of them—is, but they will pay for taking me and my best friend. He’s wrong thinking they’ll get away with this.

Even if my parents aren’t able to find answers, I know Austin, Cooper, and Fox will be looking for us. They’ll find us, and they’ll make these men pay.

This time, when I’m pulled under, there’s a smile on my face.

Chapter Two


This chapter contains non-graphic on-page sexual assault of minors. It DOES a fade-to-black, but you might still find yourself affected by it. If this isn’t something you can read, then please skip this chapter. I had a few early readers without triggers who advised that it made them uncomfortable—which is exactly what it’s supposed to make you feel. But remember, your mental health is more important than anything else.

There is a summary of this chapter at the end of the book if you’d prefer not to read it. You can find itHERE.

Ibitebackagroan as I blink awake. My body aches, and I’m exhausted. I can barely move.

It’s been two weeks since I woke up inside this room, and Abby hadn’t been lying about us being trained.

Every day since we arrived, men have visited our rooms. Sometimes only once a day, and sometimes up to ten times a day. It’s always the same four men, all of whom look familiar to me, though I’ve only been able to match one of their faces with a name.

Cary Van Buren.

He’s a business associate of my dad’s. No, he’s more than that. He’s someone my dad considers a friend. He’s been to our house and the Duprees’ house on numerous occasions.

I guess I should be glad they feed us three times a day, even if the food sucks. Plus, we all have bathrooms in our little glass rooms even if there are no walls around the room—at least it has a toilet, sink, and shower. And they are such gentlemen that they make sure to give us a daily dose of birth control so we don’t end up pregnant. Because apparently, some people don’t like to cause harm to pregnant women. Who knew? Assholes.

“There’s my little Avery.” Cary’s voice has me rolling my head to the side to find him sitting beside my bed. “How’s my baby girl feeling today?”

“I’m not your fucking baby girl,” I snarl, spitting at him when he leans over to get closer.

He just laughs, pulling a handkerchief from his pocket and wiping his face. “Always such a fighter. I can’t wait until we break you, Miss Wellington. It’s been so much fun trying. We only have a week left until Mayhem, and we’re determined to break you by then.”

“That’s never going to happen.” I’m putting on a brave face because I refuse to cower before him or any of the other men. Even if they manage to break me, I’ll never let them know it—assuming it’s something I can hide. But I also know I’m getting closer and closer to my breaking point.

I sit up slowly, unable to hide how much pain I’m in, but I need to see Charlotte. She’s still in the room across from mine, and I can see one of the men in the room with her. Her eyes are glazed over as they meet mine, and I force myself to smile. It’s as much reassurance as I can offer her as she’s pushed onto her back, the man climbing on top of her.

I turn away, unable to watch my friend being raped again. I meet Cary’s eyes, hating the hunger I see in them. “Why don’t you just get on with what you came here for so I can get on with my day?”

Cary laughs again. “And this is why I wanted you so badly, Miss Wellington. Sure, you’re beautiful, but you’re not the only beautiful blonde teenager in the area. No, it’s because of the fight I saw in your eyes. It’s easy to break these girls. Take your friend Charlotte, for example.” He gestures to Charlotte’s room, turning his head to watch with a smile on his face. “She broke within a week. She begs for the drugs every day like the good little addict we’ve turned her into. But you?”

I just lift my eyebrows as he turns back to me. I haven’t taken my eyes off of him, not wanting to see what’s happening in Charlotte’s room. There’s nothing I can do to save her, let alone myself—at least not yet. I thought for sure that the guys would have found us by now, but with each passing day, I lose hope that they will. And what will be left of us if they do find us?

I know now that I’m the only one I can count on to save me and Charlotte. I don’t know how I’ll do it, but I’m a smart girl. I can figure this out—can’t I?

“No matter how many times we give you Supernova, you never beg for more. You’re the only holdout in the entire facility; the only one who is still fighting us. I know the others have grown tired of your antics, but not me. They just turn me on.” He reaches down to stroke his tiny ass cock through his pants.

“That’s nice. I’m glad you get off on me fighting you because it’s never going to stop. Now, are you here for a reason, or can I go back to sleep?”

The punch to my face shouldn’t surprise me, but it does. My head jerks backward, pulling me off balance until my back hits the bed. Cary climbs on top of me, a sneer on his lips.

“If you wanted my cock so badly, all you had to do was ask.”