Page 29 of Mistress Mayhem

Finally, he pulls away, and I blink my eyes down at him. He smirks up at me, his face drenched with my juices. There’s so much that it’s leaking down his neck and nearing his shirt, but he doesn’t seem to give a shit. He just climbs to his feet, brushing his lips over mine, leaving me to taste myself as he turns away.

“Cooper?” I hate the way my voice shakes, but I don’t understand why he’s walking away right now.

He smirks at me over his shoulder. “We’re on a deadline, remember? That’s two down and two to go. You better hurry, princess.”

Then he’s ducking out the door, leaving me a mess. I slide down the bookcase until my ass hits the ground, barely believing what just happened.

Cooper had given me the best oral of my life and then just walked away. But it didn’t feel like he was walking away from me. If his words are to be believed, he won’t be going anywhere after tonight. Which is good, as I have no intention of letting the three of them be free of me. They’re stuck for life now.

Now, if I could just get enough feeling back in my legs to follow him out, that would be great.

Chapter Fifteen


Ittakesmeanotherfifteen minutes to climb to my feet and head back to the ballroom. Instead of heading back through the door I’d exited with Lawrence at my side, I head for the doors I’d made my grand entrance in. I find Alice standing there, waiting for me.

“Hello, Mistress.” Her eyes slide up and down my body, a smile making its way onto her face. “It looks like you’ve been enjoying yourself.”

“Shut up,” I snap, but there’s no heat to my words, and her smile just grows.

“Of course, Mistress.”

Rolling my eyes, I nod toward the doors. “Everything is still going well in there?”

“Yes, Mistress, though they are getting a little restless.”

I nod, having expected that. “How about we give the sheep what they want, then?”

The men standing guard at the door swing it open so I can enter once more. Making my way directly to the holopad, I ready myself to face the crowd once more.

“My darling guests,” I say, my voice echoing in the large room. “Once more, I want to thank you for joining me. Now that we’ve all had some time to relax after eating, why don’t we really get this party started?”

Cheers ring out from the crowd, and I nod to Alice. She presses a button on her tablet, and a few seconds later, gas begins to spill from the pipes lining the ceiling. More cheers ring out as I hold out my arms.

“Yes, friends, that’s right. This particular party favor was made specifically for me, and it’s called Mayhem. It seemed perfect for tonight.” I smile, eyes scanning the crowd as the gas begins to reach them. “Whether you’re looking for a good time or a night of terror, Mayhem will help you with that. Enjoy yourself. You’ll find a few more gifts from me to you arriving shortly.”

I smile as I see my employees beginning to move between the guests. They’ll stalk them, scare them. Probably fuck them.

I hear a few screams as I step off the holopad and move towards the stairs. It won’t be long until the air is filled with screams, moans, and pleas. Especially not once the entertainers step out.

I really do throw the best parties.

But I don’t have time to enjoy this one. It’s time for me to seek out my next mark. I have every intention of leaving Cary for last, but that means I need to find Howard. I only saw him once at the beginning of the party. It was easier to steer Lawrence and William away first.

My eyes scan the crowd as I descend the stairs, but the lights have been turned down so far that I can barely see ten feet in the crowd. I curse, wishing that I’d made sure I had eyes on him before we got to this portion of the night.

The bass is booming now, the beat more important than the music now. The drug is a hallucinogen, but it’s so much more than that. I’ve heard people tell me they felt the music in their skin while on Chaos. I’ve never done it myself, so I’m not sure.

I’m sure you’re wondering how I’m not high myself with the drugs pumping in the air. It’s simple, really. I have an employee, Mark, who invents tech for me. His most recent creation is a gas mask that isn’t a mask at all. For my nose, there’s a plug that I slide in each nostril that filters the air as I breathe it in. There’s also a mouth guard that does the same thing, but it’s so thin no one can see it as it sits inside my mouth.

Technology really does make my life so much better.

I’d had Alice slip a set to Cooper, Austin, and Fox earlier in the night so they’d be protected as well. But the rest of the guests are completely susceptible to Chaos, which definitely works in my favor.


I nearly jump at the touch to my elbow, not having heard Fox sneak up behind me—but how could I have with the music and bass so loud? Fox must have been yelling out his pet name for me in order for me to hear him. I turn my head to look at him, finding his face much closer than I expected. My eyes immediately dip to his lips, and he must notice as a smile spreads across them.