Page 25 of Mistress Mayhem

I force myself to keep smiling when all I want to do is bristle at her words—snarl at her that he’s mine. “He is, but he would just be a distraction for the night.”

The redhead smiles at me, and I try to remember her name. Lucy something, I think. She’s a few years younger than me, and only here because her parents forced her to come with them. She doesn’t come across as entitled like so many of my other guests, which is why I’ve been standing here talking to her for so long.

“I wouldn’t mind that kind of distraction.”

I don’t know how I manage to keep a smile on my face, but I’m proud of myself when I do. “Oh, I still have so much more planned for you tonight. Don’t settle on something too soon.”

“Oh, he’s not looking at me. I wouldn’t bother approaching him with the way he’s staring at you.” She grins. “But please feel free to share more with me about what fun you have planned for us.”

I throw my head back with a laugh. “Oh, I do like you, Lucy. But you’ll have to wait to find out with everyone else. I probably should mingle with more of the guests.”

“Yes, yes. Go talk to the boring assholes.” She waves me off with a smile. “If you decide you want someone to have some fun with later, come find me.”

I kind of feel like she’s hitting on me, but I’m not a hundred percent sure. So I just nod and walk away. She’s someone I could have been friends with if I wasn’t taken ten years ago. She would’ve fit in with me and Charlotte perfectly.

I squeeze my eyes shut as a shot of pain rushes through me.

It doesn’t do me any good to think of what-ifs. All they do is hurt because I’ll never see Charlotte again. She’s gone, and there’s nothing I can do to bring her back.

“Are you okay?”

I jump at Austin’s soft voice, my eyes popping open to stare up at him. I don’t answer him—I can’t. I settle for shaking my head, and he sighs.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” he asks, offering me his hand. “I don’t really have an excuse for being over here, but maybe you’d like to dance?”

“Like to? No.” I scoff. “But with you? Always?”

A smile lights up Austin’s face as he starts to lead me to the dance floor. It’s still mostly empty, though I know it’ll fill up later. I could release the drugs now—it would definitely liven up this party, but I like following my plans to a T when possible. Obviously, there are times I need to adjust my plans—such as when the guys burst into the library—but for things like a party? No.

Everything has its place and its time. There will be no deviations from my party plans.

Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself. But somehow, I find myself falling back into another memory—of another time I danced with Austin.

“Avery, would you like to dance with me?” Because it’s dark in here, I can’t be one hundred percent sure, but I think Austin is blushing as he holds his hand out to me.

Cooper squeezes my hand before looking down his nose at his best friend. “And why would my girlfriend want to dance with you at my prom?”

“It’s Austin’s prom, too, Coop.” I try to yank my hand from his hand, but he won’t allow me to. I turn to him with a glare, only to find his eyes dancing with amusement.

“Don’t be a dick, Cooper. Plus, no one asked you.” Austin rolls his eyes.

Cooper laughs, finally releasing my hand. “We all know I have zero plans of dancing tonight. You two have fun. I’ll be here.”

I shake my head as I slide my hand into Austin’s, and he leads me to the dance floor. Even in heels, he’s so much taller than me, so I loop my arms around his waist, and he does the same to me.

“Thanks for asking me to dance, Austin.”

Austin just hums as we sway to the music. I hate that it feels awkward between the two of us right now, so I lay my head on his chest. I know I shouldn’t like the feeling of being in his arms, but I do—and I never want it to end.

“Now, are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” Austin asks breaking me out of my trip to the past, as he begins leading me around the dance floor with much more grace than should be possible for someone his size.

I sigh, not really wanting to bring Charlotte up to him. What right do I have to miss her so fiercely when it’s my fault she isn’t here? When I know he’s missing her more than I ever could?

I shake my head, and he lets forth a sigh. “You know you can talk to me, little one, right?”

“Not about this.”

“About anything.” He reaches up to lift my chin until I meet his eyes, never missing a step. “There’s nothing you could say that would shock me.”