Page 13 of Mistress Mayhem

I step aside to allow William to enter before shutting and locking the door behind us. His eyes scan the room before he moves to the closest shelf, his fingers running across the book spines. “Quite an eclectic selection you have here. Trashy romance novels beside classics.”

I make a face behind his back. I hate it when people dismiss romance novels. Sure, there are some trashy ones out there, but for the most part, they’re really well written. “I have eclectic tastes. What can I say?” I shrug as I move to stand beside him.

“There’s nothing wrong with that. I believe you said something about getting something stronger than champagne?”

I nod, already moving toward the bar. “Yes, I did. What would you like? Are you a Scotch man?”

“I am indeed.”

I pour him two fingers worth of the scotch before doing the same with mine. What he will have missed is the drugs I poured into his. He might not drink it, but it’s always worth it to give it a try. I have a backup plan in place if he doesn’t want to drink it. Turning around with the drinks in my hands, I find him standing not two feet behind me. I jump, our drinks sloshing inside their glasses.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.” The wicked grin on his face says otherwise, but I just giggle and offer him his glass. He takes it and lifts it to his lips. “Mmmm... and you have the good stuff.”

“Only the best for me and my guests.”

He steps closer, the same predatory look in his eyes that I remember from the time I’d been held captive. “But I’m not really interested in alcohol. I’d much rather see what you taste like.”

William takes the glass from my hand, setting both of them on the top of the bar before crowding me against it. “That is why you brought me back here, isn’t it, Sage?”

“Yes.” I fake the whine in my voice as I arch my body into his. I know I’m selling it by how hard his cock is as it brushes against my stomach. It makes me want to throw up, having this vile man touch me, but it’s part of the gig.

His lips slam down on mine, tongue probing at my lips until I open for him. His hands run over my body, and I shiver—not from pleasure like he thinks but from disgust. He’s a sloppy kisser, and I’m grateful when his lips slip to my neck as he continues to grind his cock into me, his other hand pawing at my tit.

He’s distracted enough that he doesn’t notice when I lean to the side, slipping my hand under my dress, and grabbing a syringe from the inside of my thigh holster. Nor does he notice it when I raise my hand to jab it into his arm.

“What the fuck?” William yanks away from me, eyes narrowing on the syringe. “What did you do?”

He comes at me, but I easily duck beneath his arms as the drugs kick in. He’s slow, his body heavy, and I know if he were to try to speak right now, his words would be slurred. This is just one of the drugs that Remi has created for me. She really is the best.

“I’ve drugged you like you drugged me ten years ago. Tonight, you’ll pay for your sins long past. I’m sure that you and the others thought you got away with it when I never came forward, but I was too busy planning to make you pay on my own. And tonight’s the night.”

“You bitch,” he slurs before his legs give out on him and he hits the floor with a thud.

I step up beside him, grinning down at him maliciously. He flinches, and I assume my craziness is showing. Good.

He tries to grab my ankle but does little more than pat my foot. His eyes fall shut, and I nudge him with my foot. When he doesn’t respond, I kick him in the stomach, smiling when he doesn’t even make a noise.

“Nighty night, William. As much as I’d love to make you pay right now, I have to wrangle the other three. For now, you’ll hang out in my playground until I’m ready to play with you.”

Now comes the not so fun part.

I grab both of his wrists, dragging him toward the hidden door that leads down to the basement. I really should have asked Leo or one of the other guys to help me with this part, but it’s a little late now.

I’m a little out of breath as I reach the bookshelf, finding and pressing the button that unlatches the bookcase. The bookcase swings away from the wall, and I glance down at William once more.

“You weigh so damn much. If you’re this heavy, I’m a bit afraid to see how much effort I’ll have to put forth to deal with Lawrence.” With a sigh, I grab his wrists and begin dragging him forward once more.

The door flies open, and I freeze, eyes darting between the three faces staring back at me in shock.

Damn it.

Chapter Eight


Ican’tbelieveAveryis here. I’d given up hope that I’d ever see her again.

But she’s here in Lockwood—the last place I ever thought I’d see her.