She scoffs. “Like William can tell me what to do. I get that you think you’re big and bad—untouchable. But that doesn’t mean you can treat others around you like trash.”
She turns to Chastity, offering the younger woman her hand. “Why don’t we go find the bathroom?” She glances back at me with a soft smile. “I apologize for my outburst, Miss Davenport, but talking down to women is a hot button for me. I’m Taylor Kensington, and this is my husband, William Kensington. It was a pleasure to meet you.”
With that, she pulls Chastity away from the group, and I can’t help but smile as I watch them walk away. “I like her.”
“So do I,” William says with a laugh before offering me his hand. “As Taylor said, my name is William. And this jackass is Lawrence DuPont. He often doesn’t think before he speaks.”
“I can see that.” I shake William’s hand before offering it to Lawrence. “I don’t know yet if it’s nice to meet you, Lawrence, but I’ll reserve my judgment for now.”
Lawrence huffs. “Like I care what you think of me. William, you need to get your bitch under control, or you won’t like what happens.”
He storms off without a backward glance, and I turn to William with a raised eyebrow. “Does he often throw tantrums like a toddler?”
“More often than I’d like,” he says with a laugh. “But enough about Lawrence. You’ve created quite a bit of intrigue around your arrival in Lockwood, Miss Davenport.”
“Sage, please.” I shrug. “I like a little bit of mystery to keep life interesting, don’t you?”
William throws his head back with a laugh. “I think I might like you, Sage.”
He licks his lips, eyes running down the length of my body, and I have to fight against the sneer threatening to break free. I’d just met his wife, and he’s already checking me out. It seems William might be on the prowl for his next Mrs. Kensington—or at least his next fling. As much as it disgusts me, that’s something I can work with.
“I think I might also like you, William.” I reach out to lay my hand on his chest as I giggle.
“Tell me about yourself, Sage. I must know everything.”
So that’s what I do. I tell him the concocted background for Sage Davenport, and he hangs on to every word. At some point, his wife and Chastity make it back over to us.
“How are you doing, Chastity?” I ask her. She looks just fine; not even upset any longer. Though her cheeks are a little bit flushed, and she keeps glancing at Taylor from the corner of her eyes. Did they?
Ohhhhh… Well, okay then. That was unexpected.
“I’m doing much better. And I know exactly who Lawrence is now. Better I find out now versus later, right?” Chastity shrugs.
William laughs. “True enough. And you’re still young. No reason to settle so early in your life.”
“Chastity and I have decided we’re going to spend the evening enjoying the party. You don’t mind, darling, do you?”
“Of course not.” William leans over to kiss the top of Taylor’s head. “I’m sure the two of you will have a wonderful time.”
Taylor nods, reaching out to grasp my hand in hers. “You’ll keep William company, won’t you? I would hate for him to be bored while I’m distracted by Chastity, and a pretty thing like you? You’re right up his alley.”
I just gape at her for a moment. Is this really happening right now?
“Uh... of course. Enjoy the party.” All I can do is blink as I watch Taylor lead Chastity away.
Beside me, William chuckles. “My wife is perfect, and yes, we do have an open marriage—just another reason she’s perfect. She can’t help but insert herself into situations when she’s found someone for the night. I apologize if she was too forward.”
“No, not at all. It’s best that all cards are on the table, right?” I shake my head, turning back to him with a practiced smile. And this also gives me a way to handle this with little to no mess. The stars are shining down on me tonight, aren’t they? “But maybe we should discuss this somewhere privately with something a little stronger than champagne?”
“I would like that very much, Sage.” He places his hand on my lower back and gestures toward the door. “Lead the way.”
As much as I don’t want to do it, I find myself turning to where Austin and Fox had been standing moments before, but they’re nowhere to be found. I don’t know if I’m happy that they seem to have listened when I told Cooper they needed to stay out of my way or disappointed that they’ve disappeared.
Pushing away thoughts of the three of them, I lead William from the room and down a few hallways until we reach the library.
“This room is one of my favorites in the whole house,” I tell him as I push open the door.
And it truly is. I’ve always loved the written word in all of its forms. Reading has always been an escape, and it’s one I kept even after what happened to me. If I hadn’t had books to disappear into those first few months, I’m not sure I could’ve put myself back together at all. While I might not be the girl I once was, I managed to mend myself back into some semblance of a person.