Because a man named Elliott and a child are staying at Connor's.
I let my cousin see with my look that I want answers. Later.
He nods and then turns to go, walking a lot faster than he has since I picked him up from the infirmary.
Eoin and Tommy leave and shut the door behind them.
"Let's go to bed." Anna has her face buried in my neck and she's inhaling my scent like she does sometimes.
"Do you want to leave a note for your friends and tell them they can go home if they want to when they wake up?"
"Oh, yes. That's a good idea. Mrs. Hart gets up early and that means Ini will too."
I let Anna down, but keep a hand on her while she writes the note and leaves it next to the espresso maker. "Ini always goes for coffee first thing in the morning. She won't miss it here."
We head into my bedroom and I shut the door, locking it and closing us into our own little world. I start shucking my clothes immediately. I don't want anything between my skin and Anna's.
"Is everything okay now?" she asks.
"We lost some good men. The funerals will be this week. You'll go with me." I know she doesn't like crowds and I'll keep a buffer between her and everyone else, but my mob brothers need to know my woman is part of this family now.
"Of course."
I pull her in for a kiss, just wanting to feel her against me. She pulls her lips from mine sooner than I want. "Is it over?"
"What's left?" she asks, her voice strained.
"Nothing for you to worry about." We need to finish our interrogations and share the intel we've gathered with our allies.
Only some of them want to participate in taking down the cartel, which doesn't surprise me. For most, having eradicated the problem in our city is enough.
But I want to take the head off the snake. If that means putting someone less volatile in his place, I'm open to it. I'm also prepared to destroy the whole fucking cartel.
All the gang's product and resources were confiscated by the syndicates covering their territories. They had a shitload of weapons and drugs.
We'll be testing any product before we put it into our inventory. I'm not letting our people sell crap that will kill our customers.
I think about what I just said and sigh. "I might have to go to Colombia for a while."
Her easy agreement surprises me.
She adds, "But I'll need to get my passport. I don't have one."
"You're not going," I tell her in no uncertain terms.
She just looks at me and I curse.
"I mean it. If you're there, I'll be too worried about keeping you safe to do what I need to. This is war,mo chroĆand the general can't have his attention split."
"Generals don't go to the front line."
"Good ones do."
"Fine. You're a good one. Probably the best. But I'm going with you if you're leaving the country."