Giving Curly time to let his panic grow, enhanced by the drug in his system, I focus on Mo.
"Ten bucks says Mo pisses himself," I say to my brother.
Mo shakes his head and moans. "No. Leave me alone."
Zeus shakes his head. "Not taking that bet."
"I'll bet dinner with Lucia you can't make it happen in under five minutes." Orion saunters into the warehouse.
I signal to Theo and Bobby. "Get back to the club and watch overílios mou."
Now that my brothers are both here, my team can focus on what I prize most. Keeping my woman safe.
"You have got it bad, brother," Zeus says.
"She could be pregnant with my baby," I remind them. "Not taking any chances."
"But are you taking my bet?" Orion pushes. "Or has fucking one so often made you a pussy?"
"I want your car if I win." Lucia needs a car.
Sure, I could buy her one, but taking my brother's is more fun. Besides, it can take up to a year to get the make and model of his Mercedes E Class fitted with armored body and bulletproof glass.
My woman needs her own wheelsnow.
Orion's eyes narrow. "You think eating dinner with Lucia is worth my car?"
"Fuck. You're on." He taps his phone. "Timer is running."
It only takes a minute and a half. I cut Mo's clothes from his body and then make two shallow slices near his testicles. When I offer to castrate him and save the world from his progeny, Mo pisses down his leg.
"Shit. I thought he was going to hold out longer than that," Orion complains. "He seemed calmer than the other two."
"While showing me the whites of his eyes. You can taste his fear in the air."
Orion sniffs and grimaces. "The only thing I smell is his piss."
"There's a reason you're the lawyer and I'm the head enforcer." I pull out the scraping tool and pliers I use to remove fingernails.
"I thought it was because you're so good at killing people."
"That too." Not that Orion is a slouch in that arena.
He doesn't have as many kills as me, but he's no choir boy.
Mo is crying when I place the tip of my blade under his chin. "What were you doing in Nuovi Inizi?"
"We wanted to meet the owner. Heard it was a woman."
That was more than I heard before that first night. "Where did you get your intel?"
"Shut the fuck up," Curly yells.
"You shut up. It's not your balls he's threatening, is it? I'm not telling them anything important anyway. He knows the bitch owns the club already."
All information is important, but more important is the fact that once someone starts giving answers, it gets harder to stop when faced with escalating pain.