Page 80 of Ruthless Enforcer

My whole body is still buzzing with the electric current caused by his shenanigans.

Zeus gives his brother a strange look before saying, "When Atlas came home, he was different."

"Inevitable after spending a year going through what he did." I shift my hips, trying to alleviate the ache between my legs without being obvious about it.

"For fuck's sake, let the woman sit in her own chair, brother," Orion says with exasperation.

Atlas's arm contracts around me like he's stopping me from leaping form his lap. "I like her where she's at."

"This." Zeus waves between me and Atlas. "This is what I'm worried about."

"I told you your brothers would be uncomfortable with me sitting in your lap for dinner." Let's not mention the inappropriate touching that I very much want to go back to.

In private.

"They'll survive." Atlas has zero concern about the awkwardness of the situation.

"You're really stubborn."

Atlas shrugs.

"Before he met you, Atlas hadn't smiled in years," Zeus says.

Orion nods in agreement. "I hadn't heard him laugh since before the kidnapping."

"He's happy." And being with me makes him that way.

Warmth unfurls inside me and I want to hug Atlas so hard. When have I ever been the source of someone's happiness?


"I didn't know hecouldbe happy." Zeus doesn't sound all that joyful about it himself. "What happens when you two break up?"

Hearing the question from someone else's lips throws my own worries into perspective. It doesn't matter how long Atlas and I have known each other. He's the puzzle piece that has been missing from my life, and I'm the one that completes the picture in his.

"We're not going to break up."

"Glad you finally realize that." Atlas rewards me with a bite of crisp asparagus from our plate.

I take it off the tines of his fork and savor the perfectly prepared vegetable. So much for feeding myself.

"Well, at least you are living in the delusion together," Zeus says acerbically.

"There are things you don't know," Orion says, clearly not content to let things lie.

Zeus lays down his own fork and pushes his plate away. "That's for a later time." His tone is one of command, not suggestion.

I don't mind. Atlas will tell me what he needs to in his own time. How can I expect anything else when I'm hiding so much about the woman I used to be from him?

Chapter 21


After dinner, which my brothers managed to make ridiculously awkward by implying I'm emotionally stunted to Lucia, I give her the tour of the house I promised.

She loves the media room and sighs over the indoor pool, but when we get upstairs, she says, "I want to see your room now."

Grabbing her hand, I drag her down the corridor to my suite and press my palm to the reader beside the door before swinging it open.