Page 139 of Ruthless Enforcer

"It wasn't Lenny's fault."

My heart came to terms with his role in my baby's death a long time ago too. I tried to forgive Tino and Agustino Sr. too. But I couldn't forget the price my baby and I paid for my husband and father-in-law's choices.

"It sure as hell wasn't yours."

"Of course not." Though a small part of me has always shouldered some of the blame.

Watching over Leo, as he was known at the time, was my job. I was supposed to anticipate his needs and protect him from himself. I failed and failed my baby too.

Atlas moves like he's going to touch me and I jerk away. The gun knocks against my thigh and I almost drop it. I tighten my grip now slick with sweat. If I'm not careful I'm going to shoot someone accidentally.

The Rokos brothers might deserve it, but I could shoot my own foot if my grip slips again. Sighing, I unchamber the round and put the gun back in its holster.

"I made a promise to Tino, and I care about my brother-in-law," I say, my emotions even more raw than they were earlier. "I've done my best to take care of Lenny, but I'm not giving up my own freedom for his."

If that makes me a bad person, so be it.

Nausea rises again and I force myself to hide it. Okay, I'm not as insouciant about this as I want to appear.

I need to be out of this office. Away from Atlas and anyone named Rokos.

Chapter 37


Lucia pales, sweat beading on her upper lip.

I want to kill the demons putting that look on her face, but they are me and my brother.

"Thirty days," I say. She's not going anywhere, and a month is plenty of time to convince her of that fact. "And we will adhere to the terms of the contract."

Zeus looks at me and I let him see that I'm willing to go to war over this. He jerks his head in agreement. "Thirty days and we will pay for Lenny's care."

Lucia lets out a soft breath, but then she glares at my brother. "You won't be using Nuovi Inizi for any money laundering until I'm gone."

He opens his mouth to say something. Probably to argue. He is myanaxand my brother, but Zeus is a few seconds away from my fist in his face.

Showing more courage when confronted by my brother than most made men,ílios mouputs up her hand and shakes her head. "No. I am not giving you the leverage to force me to stay and manage the club for the Hades Brotherhood."

She has a very Machiavellian mind. I like it, but I don't like her lack of trust. Even if I earned it.

"We aren't trying to trap you into staying to manage the nightclub." I don't care if she manages the club, unless that's what she wants and then I'll make sure she gets Nuovi Inizi back.

It's not her business that will work as leverage to keep her here. Though her move to force my brother to buy Nuovi Inizi and take on the financial responsibility for Leonardo's care is hella unexpected.

Lucia will stay because my plan to hold onto her has a lot more heft than my brother's. If I'm right, her pale face and obvious nausea have more to do with pregnancy than the stress of confronting my brother.

Ilios mouis not afraid of anyone.

"I told you," I remind her. "I will protect you."

"Like last night?" she scoffs.

"Yes. Getting Nuovi Inizi under the protection ofÁdis Adelfótitais necessary to keep you and your employees safe." I'll protect her with my life, but that's not enough.

She doesn't want Nuovi Inizi used in human trafficking, even if she doesn't own it anymore. She cares too much about her employees and even the patrons. I can't protect the club and her alone.

I need my brotherhood behind me.