Page 120 of Ruthless Enforcer

The bratva soldiers are named after the Three Stooges? No way. It must be some kind of code Atlas uses. "You told me that one guy's name was Ivan."

Something terrifying flashes in Atlas's gaze when I say the name Ivan.

"They won't be a problem for you anymore," he promises. "Neither will Ivan."

I guess I'm supposed to take his word for that too. So not happening.

"You lied to me and used me for my own good? Is that it?" I ask, sarcasm dripping from every word. "Newsflash, it's never for my own good."

The surprise on his face is almost amusing. Only nothing is funny right now. My lover is my extortionist. Nothing funny about that.

"Okay, lets go rob my till." I wave toward the door.

I'm not moving until they do. I don't want to be within two feet of either Atlas, or his man, Theo.

"We aren't robbing you," Atlas says forcefully.

"To-may-to, to-mah-to." He can call it protection money, but he's stealing from me. And we both know it. "Let's get this over with."

Chapter 32


Atlas and I stare at each other, both waiting for the other to move. Too bad for him, I'm stubborn as hell. I'll wait here until the club closes if I have to, but I'm not walking past him.

"Come on, boss. Let's get the money and go. It sounds like Miz Esposito has things to do."

Like scream into my pillow until my throat's raw.

Atlas puts his hand out to me and a laugh that has zero humor in it barks out of my throat. I shake my head and lift the hand he wants to hold with my middle finger extended.

Theo makes a sound between choking and laughing.

I stare daggers at him. "I'm glad someone finds this situation amusing."

His face slides into a stoic mask and he turns to open the door.

Atlas doesn’t move. "Why are you acting like this? You'll get more out of this relationship than you'll lose by it."

"Says you."

"I did my calculations."

"Based on?" I know what he had to have done.

Get on my computer and look over my books. Will he admit it?

"Your password for your computer is the name of the club." He sounds put out by that.

Like he supposedly was when he realized I used the same number combination on the lock downstairs as my apartment? That's going to change tonight. Both of them.

I will set twodifferentunlock codes he has no way of guessing.

"Are you trying to imply it's my fault you betrayed my trust and got onto my computer and looked at the club's ledgers?" I'm glad there's nothing about Lenny's care home on the computer.

Would it change anything if Atlas knew about Lenny? I shake my head. It wouldn't. So, I'm glad I never told him all my secrets. I gave enough of myself to this man.

"I didn't say that."