Page 101 of Ruthless Enforcer

But I haveverygood hearing and I catch it all. "Where is Ivan?" I ask in a deadly tone.


So, he's still in San Francisco. "When will he be back in Portland?"

"Don't know." Mo drools blood and spit out of the side of his mangled mouth.

I ask again with more persuasion, but get nothing. Mo is not high enough in the food chain for that kind of information.

We ask Larry about Ivan's return. He tries to hold back the information, but now that I know he hasn't been as forthcoming as I thought, I change my interrogation tactics. Eventually, he tells us Ivan is supposed to return to Portland in two days, via private jet arriving at one of the smaller airports west of the city.

Not only will his men not secure the shipping yard like he wants, but when he gets back, a good number of them will be dead. I can accomplish a lot in two days.

Not that it will matter to him. He is going to die. The only question is how much information he will part with before he does.

When I am done questioning Larry, I clean up my tools and then myself.

"We should take a page out the Golubev playbook and find out if thepakhanvalues his son more than Grandfather valued me." I clean the blood from my hands and forearms with the essential oils wipes I keep in my toolbox.

The smell of blood doesn't bother me, but most people prefer the scent of mint and tea tree oils. I'm sure Lucia will.

"You want us to keep him a hostage until they cede Portland to us?" Zeus asks.

"Oregon, but yeah, that's the idea. We can see how thepakhanreacts to getting videos of his son being tortured."

"It's not a bad idea," Orion muses. "The containment cells are operational."

Every part of the warehouse is ready for business. The interrogation rooms, containment cells and the incinerator in the basement that burns at 1600°. Hot enough to cremate human remains in under two hours.

We also have three levels of climate-controlled storage in subterranean rooms accessible via tunnels from the basement.

The only thing we need now, are more soldiers.

"We kill and incinerate Mo and Curly."

"Curly is already dead," Orion says.

I look over and see my brother is right. "Saves me a bullet. Larry goes in a cell."

"His name is Dimitri."

"I give a fuck." I throw away the wipes in a paper trash bag that will be tossed in the incinerator along with Mo and Curly's bodies.

Zeus grabs one of the wipes and rubs it on my face. "For now, we let thepakhanwonder where his son is and who has him. It sounds like they've already made enemies with more than one street gang. The bratva will start their searching there."

I knock his hand away. "I haven't been a kid in a long time."

"Didn't think you'd want to go back to Lucia with blood spatter on your face."

He's right, but I'm not about to say thank you.

"So far, none of the bratva even know we are here," Orion says. "We should capitalize on that."

"Yes," Zeus agrees.

I do what I'm best at. I kill bratva soldiers.

"We need them neutralized," Zeus says to me, thinking the same thing. "It's time for you to go hunting."