Page 155 of Ruthless Enforcer

The doctor doesn't seem offended. "We are going to start with the transvaginal ultrasound. It will give us a more detailed picture of certain parts of your reproductive system. It also offers the most likely chance of seeing Baby at this stage."

While it's small, the wand up my vagina is every bit as uncomfortable as I expect it to be. However, the 3-D image that comes up on the monitor is fascinating.

The doctor explains everything we can see, including a bunch of medical terminology that basically says I'm healthy and so are my reproductive organs. A whoosh-whoosh repeats in a rapid pattern.

The doctor smiles. "That's the baby's heartbeat."

Tears wash into my eyes as I grin up at Atlas. "Our baby."

I'm such a sap, but he looks utterly flabbergasted. "That is our baby?" he asks, like he didn't believe it the first time, or the second time, it was said.

"Yes." The doctor moves the wand inside me, clicks a couple of things on the space age instrument panel. "According to the measurements you are eight weeks along, Ms. Esposito."

"Eight weeks?" I ask faintly. That means I got pregnant the first time we had sex without a condom.

Like it was meant to be.

"I told you," Atlas says to me.

"You've told me a lot," I remind him.

"Your body was made to carry my baby. You got pregnant on the first try."

"We weren't trying that first time."

He shrugs.

"Your partner has a bit of the Neanderthal in him, doesn't he?" Dr. MacGowen asks.

"You have no idea."

~ ~ ~

Atlas calls his brothers to tell them about the baby as soon as we are back in his SUV.

"So, my brother knocked you up, huh?" Orion asks, humor lacing his tone over the vehicle's speaker system. "I guess you were doing more than playing Parcheesi on all those sleepovers."

"No, we played Monopoly."

"Pretty sure that's not how you got yourself a Greek bun in the oven."

"Half Italian," I reply with a snap.

"Don't Worry, Be Happy" is a low-level background noise as Orion and I trade barbs.

"Is my brother whistling?" Orion asks, his tone astonished.

I roll my eyes. "Yes."

"You sound happy brother," Zeus speaks for the first time.

"Can you doubt it?"

"Does this mean Lucia isn't planning to leave Portland after she trains a manager for Nuovi Inizi?"

"I will not withhold the baby from Atlas." My temper burns bright, but I'm not vindictive. "I am not that woman."

"That's good to know."