Page 152 of Ruthless Enforcer

"Do you have the equipment?" Atlas stands up, looming over the doctor's desk. "Or do I need to take her to the hospital?"

The silver-haired man makes an obvious effort not to lean away from Atlas. "We have the best ultrasound machines available here in the clinic, but your wife—"

"We aren't married," I rush to correct.

"Your…um…partner, needs to hydrate. If you could drink four cups of water over the next hour, Ms. Esposito, the ultrasound images will be clearer."

I remember how that full bladder feels with the ultrasound wand pressing down on my stomach and grimace.

Atlas frowns at me and demands, "Is that necessary?"

"If we want the best diagnostic results, yes."

"It's fine, Atlas. I've done this before."

"Water with no bubbles is preferred, but you probably remember that from your last pregnancy. You'll want to avoid carbonated beverages going forward to decrease the chance of painful heartburn."

"Where do you want to spend the next hour?" Atlas asks me. "Here or at a restaurant?"

"Here is fine."

"Get her some water," Atlas demands. "I have some questions for you while we wait."

The doctor stiffens at being ordered around, but he texts someone on his phone and a couple of minutes later, a woman comes in with a sixteen-ounce glass water bottle. It has the logo for the clinic on it and a pretty lavender lid.

Atlas has already started asking his questions.

Flipping the lid back, I drink from the water bottle, happy to discover the liquid is chilled, if not ice cold. Room temperature water is supposed to be better for hydration, but I don't like it.

Atlas is still asking questions when I indicate the empty water bottle to the doctor. He nods and puts his hand up to pause his discussion with Atlas.

Sending another text, he gives Atlas a bemused look. "You weren't joking when you said you had some questions."

"Why would I joke about something like that?" Atlas asks, his voice flat.

He really doesn't show much animation with other people. Unless you count intimidation.

"I don't remember ever answering as many detailed concerns with another spouse…uh, partner," the doctor hastily corrects at my glare.

The nurse comes in and takes my water bottle away.

"Doyouhave any concerns?" the doctor asks me.

I blink at him, still processing everything Atlas has asked and the doctor has answered. "I don't think so."

"Are you sure?" Atlas turns to me, his gaze probing. "Just because you have been through this before doesn't mean you won't have questions."

"Did you read that in a book?" I ask wryly as the nurse returns with my second sixteen ounces of water.

I take the bottle from her and immediately start sipping.

"It's in one of the brochures I read while we were waiting for the results." If Atlas is embarrassed to admit he read the brochures, it doesn't show.

Tino wouldn't have read them on a dare. And if he had read them, he never would have admitted it. Not macho enough.

Apparently, Atlas has no such issues.

"You have enough questions for both of us," I tease and then suck in my lips.