Page 42 of South of The Skyway

Abs aching, the motion grew steady until I felt Rhyett’s powerful shove slide us forward faster. God, the man was built. Nearly setting my fingers directly in a web, my breath hitched. Our momentum slowed as we both waited for a clear spot to shove off of. Core shaking, I exhaled when I could finally swing us forward again, Rhyett using the same grip to increase our momentum.

When we were finally free of the tunnel, wide-open blue skies greeted us as the second spring sprawled ahead, and I sucked down my first full breath, abs screaming their relief.

“Do I wanna know how many snakes we just passed?”

“Don’t ask questions you won’t like the answer to.”

“Jesus,” he muttered, but the sound was equally spooked and amused. “You’ve been here before.”

“Yeah, my dad used to bring me as a kid.”

“Not so excited about having to go back,” he admitted, and I laughed.

“Big bad fisherman afraid of the swamp?”

“Absolutely, I am.” His lack of hesitation jerked more laughter from my chest. “I’ve enjoyed thirty-five years of snake-less freedom.”

“Most of them are little,” I said, teasing.

“It’s themost ofin that sentence that bothers me.” His smoky voice trailed off on a deep breath as we floated into the center of the pool, silent save for the subtle song of the birds. Our signature crystal clear spring water stretched out below us, gradually darkening to turquoise towards the bottom. Not even the manatees had braved the tunnel back here, leaving the water uninhabited save for silver fish that glinted in the sunlight.

“No gators back here?” he questioned.

“If there’s water, there’s a gator. Rule of thumb in Florida.”


“But I don’t see anything.” Albeit, the far side of the spring was mostly in the early morning shadow. “They rarely bug someone your size, at least not in clear water. Murky water? Keep a wide berth.”

There was no warning before his tank top landed in my lap. The boat rocked, and a happy splash splattered me. Royal barked, lunging to her feet on alert as though her new friend had fallen in. When Rhyett’s head broke the surface, he whooped, shaking out his hair before motioning me forward.

“Get in!”

“What?” I balked, shaking my head.

“Get. In!”

“I think I’ll stay out here.”

“Water’s amazing!”

“I’ve been before, thanks.”

There was a flash of mischief across blue eyes that sent me lunging for my paddle to push him away. Rhyett was faster. His broad, chilled hands clamped down on my arm, Royal yelping as the little boat rocked and we both spilled into the water. Warmer than the ocean, but startlingly cold, I broke into the air muttering curses to the roar of his laughter.

“Asshole,” I spluttered, shoving a wave vaguely in his direction as Royal’s soft splashes told me she was heading for shore. I’d no sooner cleared the spring water from my eyes than Rhyett’s breath hit my cheek, his body heat only a beat behind.

His arms wrapped around me, pulling me in tight to him and sending warmth across my spine. We both stilled, save for our treading feet. My vision cleared up to see him grinning back at me, dirty blonde hair mussed, after he’d shaken the water from it. The rigid muscles of his body pressed down the length of my torso and I wrapped my legs around his waist. It washisidea, sohecould keep us afloat. His smile widened, like he knew why I’d just done it. But the feel of him between my legs, warm in the cool water, unraveled my resolve.

Damn it, what is it about this man?

Without dropping that satisfied swagger, he brought his forehead to mine, halting my breath.

“You look stunning this morning,” he whispered softly, tapping my nose with his.

“Just had to r-ruin it?” I chattered, glaring at the sun and, for once, wishing it was warmer.

“Had to take advantage of it,” he corrected, arms tightening around me. His lips came down in a crushing kiss; nothing about the man before me exhibited hesitance or concern. Powerful legs kept us upright as Rhyett devoured me, heat singing in my blood as my body reacted, begging for more. One chilled, rough palm caressed my side, cupped a breast, slid up to my neck, and then he sucked my lower lip between his teeth.