“Fine. Thepursuitof love.”
“Definitely.” She took a long drag on her mug before making a happy little noise. “The girls have the shop this morning, so don’t worry if you want to go.”
“Should I?”
“Do you want to?”
“That’s a trick question.”
“Pretty damn straightforward, actually.”
I chewed on my bottom lip as the machine buzzed and clicked and the last of the froth settled in the cup. “Yeah,” I breathed. “Yeah, I do.”
“So, go. You’re a badass, Brex. You’ve got this.”
Not entirely sure whether she’d actually come, Brexley Snows had surprised me for the second time in a twelve-hour period. Yes, she’d said she was coming, though I hadn’t fully believed her. Shock turned my palms sweaty when both my beautiful girls appeared at the edge of the parking lot, scanning through the jungle flora. Royal went on alert, tail manic, as her posture pointed my way, leading Brex to her target. God, I needed to buy my body weight in antlers for that retriever.
I thought Brexley’s eyes held my attention, but, dear lord, thatsmile. Everything in my body went on alert. And I mean everything.
Down, boy.I attempted to discreetly adjust myself, yet it did little in the way of providing any relief at the sight of all that tan skin on display. She’d worn a pair of cutoff Daisy Dukes and a black bikini top beneath a chic mesh cover. Her long blonde hair was braided back into two cute, chunky rows—Elora and Hadlee both wore theirs like that, so I should have known the name. It wasn’t French.
The two of them sauntered over with pep in their steps, and I had no choice but to greet our furry friend first as she all but lunged in my direction.
“She freaking loves you. It’s ridiculous.” Brexley muttered, curiously scowling at her dog like she’d committed some kind of betrayal.
“Morning, beautiful,” I said, straightening back to my full height, tentatively wrapping a palm around her tight waist to pull her in for a quick hug, trying not to preen when she returned it. She had to be a runner, her body long and lean.
“You said that already,” she said breathlessly as we released each other. God, the sound of her winded, just because my skin was on hers. I wanted to hear her heady and panting, begging me for more. Pulling her in until our hips met, I smiled down at her.
“And I’ll say it again. Good morning, beautiful.” I wanted to kiss her, to slide my rough palm up her hot skin. To touch and feel as I had that first night. But if I started now, with no one around, there was no chance I’d be able to stop myself.
And I meant what I said on our date. I wanted to get to know her. Beyond that mouthwatering body I’d been dreaming of for days, I needed to knowher. Which meant clothes had to stay on, at least for the time being. Brushing flyaways from her face, I ran my fingers down the length of a braid. Pinched the end between them.
“I like your hair like this—what are these called? Not French braids…”
“Dutch,” she supplied, still breathy as her eyes darted between mine, lingering on my mouth. Oh hell, this was going to be so much harder than I thought it would be. Reluctantly, I slid my hand down and stepped away, putting distance between us and directing her to the shore in one forced motion.
“Well, the Dutch knew what they were doing.”
Surprise number two of the morning? She said nothing as she accepted my hand, stepping into the canoe with a look of utter dread carved into her brow. “Royal!” With a click of her tongue, Brexley summoned her dog into the boat in one long leap, nails screeching against the plastic bottom. “Who’s a good girl?”
Said good girl’s tail smacked loudly against the plastic.
“You come out here often?” I asked, pushing it off the sand and following into the water. The maneuver-in was always a little sketchy, but it went off without a hitch as I positioned myself in the back. I was a grown-ass man; I should not have been relishing the graze of our legs as I grabbed the paddle between us.
“As kids, it’s pretty much all there is to do around here. Beach. Books. Boys. Boats.”
“Four B’s?”
She snickered. “Bang.”