Page 14 of South of The Skyway

Rhy got a little…distracted.


Jesus, this is why I should have gone.


Am I going to be an auntie?!


Oh piss off Jameson. You’ve got a fat mouth, you know that?

Jameson’sonly response was a series of laughing emojis.


So? What’s the consensus? How’s the sunshine state? Find any promising LOCATIONS?


On my way to a showing now.


I expect a report back tonight.


I can’t wait to get off this rock.


Yeah, yeah. Talk soon.

I slidmy phone into its designated pocket, shaking my head as I glanced around the bustling park. Tossing my now-empty coffee cup into the trash, I looked up when panicked shouting filled the air. A rogue golden retriever was full-throttle sprinting after what appeared to be a petrified squirrel. I burst out laughing, deciding against my better judgement to jog forward until the dog spotted me, the momentary distraction enough to send the squirrel flying up a tree. Prey forsaken, I squatted down to the ground with open arms, pleased when it came bounding forward. There was a reason these fluff balls were called man’s best friend, and I ruffled layers of copper fur as the tiny beast buried its face in my chest.

“Hey, buddy, what are you doing off on your own?”

The dog quirked its head and, as though it understood, turned over its shoulder like I’d be able to spot the owner.

Two women came stuttering to a stop, the redhead’s mouth popping open before curling into a coy smile. Then I met round, bright blue eyes set into tan skin, disbelief rushing through my veins.

Well, I’ll be damned.



“You have got to be kidding me.”

Rhyett’s satisfied smile was radiant enough to knock me on my ass, the joy permeating that delicious timbre as he asked, “How’sthatfor fate, Ace?”

“I think fate had the treasonous assistance of a canine companion.”

“Royal can assist me any day of the week,” Noel muttered. She didn’t bother to hide her assessment of his frame as he stood from Royal’s side. Fuck, I was shocked she didn’t liquify when he turned that grin in her direction, reaching out with an eager hand.

With a sigh, I motioned to her and said, “Noel—Rhyett. Rhyett—this is my best friend and business partner, Noel.” When the two of them released their handshake, he immediately moved for me, pulling me into an unexpected hug. I awkwardly patted him on the back as Noel stifled a smirk, snatching the leash from my hand and bending down to hook it on Royal’s collar. As he pulled away, Rhyett tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, the gesture strangely intimate after our salacious encounter, before freeing that sunshine smile down like my personal freaking star.