“I’m thrilled to have a Heather Robbins original for my tree,” I said, holding it to my chest for a moment. “The sentiment means more, though. Thank you for allowing me to be a small part of your family. It means the world to me. If you ever need a babysitter, you know who to call.” I pointed at my chest while mouthing ‘me, not her’ as I motioned with my eyes to Becca.

“Nice try, buddy,” Becca said quietly. “You’re second runner-up until at least April.”

I put the ornament back in the box and then into the bag on my chair so it didn’t get lost. “I can accept that because then there will be two little girls to fight over!”

Our laughter was quickly drowned out by beautiful voices singingHave Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. The room quieted and we turned to see the smaller group of carolers who had gone to the bungalows to sing, now leading a procession of families toward the rec room. I only saw one woman as she walked toward me, a smile on her face as they finished the song.

The room erupted with applause before everyone shared hugs, love, hope, and joy.


“Hey, handsome,” Hazel said, coming up behind me to hug me around my shoulders. “It looks like things are wrapping up.”

“Hi,” I said, leaning back to steal a kiss. Her face had healed with only a tiny scar on her lip and temple. In a way, it was proof she’d cheated death. We could only hope her hand healed as well. “I was just thinking it was time to make the big announcement before everyone left. Will you help me rally everyone together?”

“I’ve already got the head elf on it,” she answered with a wink just as I noticed Holly walking through the crowd and whispering.

In a matter of minutes, the room was quiet, and everyone’s eyes were on us. I swallowed nervously and cleared my throat. “Thank you for coming tonight, everyone. I want to wish Hazel and Cameron a very happy birthday!”

A round of applause went up until Ivy yelled out. “And a happier birthday to you tomorrow, our little Christmas babe!”

Hazel’s laughter behind me told me she had spilled the beans to the world, so I held up my hands. “Thank you, I appreciate it. This year is the first time I’ve celebrated both my birthday and Christmas. I must say that I’m starting to see what all the fuss is about.” When their laughter died down, Hazel picked up the announcement.

“Before everyone leaves tonight, we wanted to announce the winning name for this very hall we’re standing in. There were so many great entries, but there was one that stood out to the council in its simplicity and appropriateness.”

I rolled over to the room entrance, where a sign hung covered by a black sheet. “Congratulations to Ivy Lund for winning the contest with her submitted name of,” I pulled the sheet until it fell to reveal the painted sign. “Seeds of Hope Legacy Hall.” The gasp from the back of the room came not from Ivy but from Cameron and Heather. “After all, the foundation is why we can stand here tonight ready to fill this building with the next generation of Bells Passers. Thank you to Ivy for the insightful submission, and Cameron and Heather for having the vision that started this all.” A round of applause went up again as everyone hugged Cam and Heather. You could easily see they were embarrassed by the attention, but accepted it with gratefulness in their hearts for their friends.

“When’s the party, Ivy?” Hazel called out. “The room is all yours!”

Everyone chuckled as they turned to Ivy, who stood with Shep’s arm around her, and Lucy hugging her leg. “I was thinking about saving it until closer to June,” she said, glancing up at Shep, who smiled. “Then booking it for a baby shower.”

“Are you serious?” Becca squealed, running to her friend. “You said you were just thinking about it.”

“I didn’t want to say anything until now, but Baby Lund number two will arrive sometime in June.”

“It’s a banner night for announcements!” Becca exclaimed as she hugged Ivy. Everyone took a turn congratulating the couple while I fidgeted in my chair.

Hazel leaned down into my ear. “Are you okay, or do you need to go to the apartment?”

“I’m okay,” I promised. “Just shifting my weight.”

She patted my back, and I nodded at Holly, who winked at me before she worked her way through the crowd again. Everyone quieted and turned their attention back to the front of the room.

“Thank you, Head Elf Holly,” I said as she laughed. “I’m sure everyone is tired and ready to climb into your beds where visions of sugarplums will dance in your heads, but before you go, I have one more announcement.”

Hazel leaned down. “There’s another announcement?”

“Yes, but you don’t know about this one, birthday girl,” I said, deftly turning my chair so I could take her hand. “I know how much you love Christmas, and I’m man enough to admit that over the last few months you’ve taught me to love it too. From the Christmas carols, candy canes, Christmas trees, Christmas cookies and everything in between, you’ve shown me that the season isn’t about any of those things at all. It’s about joy, love, and peace, but most of all, it’s about hope for the future. My hope for the future is you, Hazel Cane,” I said, reaching into the corner of my wheelchair and pulling out a box. When I cracked the lid, a gasp went up through the crowd, but I had eyes for no one but my beautiful Hazel.

“It’s a candy cane,” she whispered, staring at the ring for a moment before her gaze met mine.

“Rubies and diamonds because you are the shining light in my world, Hazel Cane. I know what everyone out there is thinking. We barely know each other, and here I am holding up a ring and asking you to marry me, but we know each other, don’t we?” I asked, my voice cracking on the last word.

“We know each other’s soul,” she agreed, her lips trembling.

“You have stitched mine closed over the last few months and taught me that our past experiences don’t have to be our future. You’ve taught me that soulmates exist, and you are mine, Hazel. I can’t get down on one knee, but I am holding out this ring and saying I love you so much and want you to be my wife. Will you roll through this adventure that is life with me, Hazel, and marry me?”

Without answering, she knelt in front of my chair on one knee and cupped her hand around mine which was still holding the ring. “I’m down on one knee to show you that I will always support you through life, no matter the task. Also, I don’t care what everyone else is thinking—”