He laughed softly as he tugged my arms down and held my hands. “You have to go. You’re the whole reason the event exists.”

“I don’t want to spend Christmas Eve away from you. I’m also not participating in anything that excludes you. It’s not happening.”

“Baby, listen,” he said, and I realized that was the first time he’d called me anything but Hazel. It was like he was settling into the idea of loving someone for a lifetime. “I don’t even like to sing, so I’m not upset that I can’t go caroling. The reason I set this up was so you could do something you enjoy on your birthday. I did it fully aware that I wouldn’t be joining you in the neighborhoods. I will meet you at the bungalow and carol with you there, even though I sound like a frog in a bucket, and then we’ll come back here together. We’ll be apart less than an hour and I’ll use that time to get the rec room ready for the carolers. Deal?”

I thought about it for a moment and finally nodded. “Only because you’re the one who set this up and you did it already knowing you couldn’t go out with us. I love you for thinking about what I would love to do on my birthday. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he said, kissing me softly. “I’ll miss you, but I want to spend the evening with you here and not in the hospital, so I’m more than happy to leave the outside stuff to you while I concentrate on the inside stuff.”

“Speaking of inside stuff,” I said, starting to unbutton his flannel shirt. “We should do some of that.”

“What did you have in mind, Miss Cane?” he asked as my fingers deftly popped his buttons.

“Mmm, well, I was thinking you should show me how to set up that special equipment you’ve got so we can give it a go.”

“Oh yeah?” he asked, rolling the chair backward as I followed. “Are you sure?”

“Do you like using it?” I asked as he motioned at the closet where he kept it.

“Oh, baby, it’s incredible. It lets me make love to you instead of the other way around.”

I opened the closet, and he pointed at a bag and a cot. I hauled both out, and he showed me how to set them up. The cot went in front of the chair and the chair offered a natural gliding motion that used his upper body to move it rather than his legs.

He transferred into the chair and motioned me forward to finish undressing him. “This could take a little getting used to for you,” he whispered, pulling my sweater over my head. “Tell me if you don’t like it, and we’ll stop.”

I put my finger to his lips and sat on the cot while I did a little striptease to remove my shirt and bra. “Open communication is important,” I said as he popped the button on my jeans. “But when we’re intimate, I’m never worried that I can’t tell you something that bothers me. For instance, I’m uncomfortable right now knowing that when I lay down, you will see my belly and think I should stop eating so many candy canes.”

“No,” he said, holding my chin while he kissed me. His tongue was hot and demanding, and the heat that swirled in my belly said I would enjoy the next thirty minutes of my life. “I can’t wait to see every inch of your delicious body. That’s one of the things I like most about using this setup. I get to see, touch, and feel everything. It makes me feel like I can be more of a participant than an onlooker.”

“I love you,” I whispered as I pulled my pants off, leaving only my panties in place before I laid back on the cot and gave him the pleasure of removing the last bit of lace.

“Oh, Hazel,” he said when they were gone. “You are breathtaking. Let me touch you.”

His hand roamed my body, up my thighs, across my breasts, then down to my belly. He left his hand there, splayed across my softness, and closed his eyes. “I love doing this,” he whispered. “Every time I do, I feel a stitch inside my soul. In my spine. In the place where that bullet tore me in two. Each stitch holds in a little bit more happiness each time. It holds in hope and trust that I can be everything society has told me I can’t be.” He stopped speaking, and I quickly brushed away the tears from my cheeks. The imagery was powerful, and I couldn’t help but think about what he’s been through and how I never wanted him to feel that way again. His fingers tightened on my skin for a moment, and then he opened his eyes and smiled. “I love you,” he said as his finger slid south to my center.

“Irving.” I sighed when his finger slipped inside me. “I love the way you love me.”

“Scoot forward, baby,” he whispered, slipping a second finger inside me. “Right to the edge and put your legs on my shoulders.

“Let me get you ready first.”

His laughter was naughty when he slipped a third finger inside me, and a moan fell from my lips. “I’m ready, baby. Where did you think my other hand was?”

I couldn’t do anything but moan at the thought of him pleasuring himself as he pleasured me. I followed his directions and slid down to the end of the cot, noticing handles spaced evenly. I grabbed each one, and this time, it was his moan that filled the room.

“I love that you already know you’re going to need those,” he hissed. Before I could respond, he pushed inside me while gripping my hips tightly to hold himself there. “Hazel,” he moaned, a shiver going through him. “I don’t know how long I’ll last, and that’s saying a lot about what your heat does to me.”

“Don’t hold back, Irving.” He glided in and out at varied speeds until we stood at the edge of a precipice, waiting to fall. “Trust me with your love, Irving,” I whispered, then pushed forward until I could squeeze his base, keeping my heat wrapped tightly around him.

I watched as he lost control and I lifted my hips just enough to do the same and join him in the place that didn’t care how we walked, spoke, or heard. It was a place where nothing mattered but love.

Chapter Nineteen

Where was that lip balm? I dug around in my purse until illumination pointed me to it, and I grabbed it up, realizing a moment later where the illumination came from—my burner phone. I flipped it open, and there was a message on the screen. All it said was, ‘call me.’ I was never more grateful that I’d run home to shower this morning before work. Since I was alone, I dialed Cliff’s number and waited while it rang.

“We got him,” Cliff said, his voice clipped and gruff. “He’s back in custody, but this is a real mess.”

Cliff’s frustration and anger came through the line loud and clear. “I have to pull you, Hazel. Someone helped Felding escape, and we don’t know who.”