“Now, without any further ado, and please, hold your applause until they’ve finished speaking, I give you Irving Wallace, Hazel Cane, and Star, everyone!”

When Jack stepped out of the way, I rolled to the side of the podium while Hazel stood in front of it.

“Thank you for the warm welcome, everyone. As the mayor said, I’m Hazel Cane, and the last time I came to this park to meet you all, things took an unexpected turn, so I’m happy to get a redo. Irving and I are so thankful to be here tonight to celebrate fifty years of Christmas in Bells Pass. We don’t consider ourselves changemakers as much as mere facilitators of the change that all the people behind us started years ago. If it weren’t for the business people creating jobs and bringing in new, fresh talent, there wouldn’t be a need for new housing. What they’ve done in a town this size is nothing short of a miracle, and now our generation must step up, take the baton, and continue down the track to keep our talented young people here. We must continue to build a community that encourages and inspires others to come to Bells Pass and build a life here.”

Hazel handed me the microphone, and I brought it to my lips. “Thank you, Hazel. I couldn’t have said that better myself. Thank you to everyone who came out and supported us last week at our sleep-out event. As we know, Old Man Winter didn’t cooperate with us, so we couldn’t actually sleep out, but it was still a wonderful event that we look forward to again next year. Don’t worry,” I said, holding up my hand, “We’ll do it earlier next year.” Chuckles were heard throughout the crowd as people nodded their heads. “To that end, we’d like to extend the offer to all of you to submit a name for the great hall at New Beginnings via the website. We want to name it something inclusive and welcoming to all, not only to our new housing complex, but to this wonderful town. After the housing board reviews the submissions and chooses a name, the person who submitted the name will win use of the space for a party or event at no charge.” A cheer rose, and I winked at Hazel while we waited for them to quiet. “Go to the Bells Pass Housing Authority website to read all the rules there. With that, I think it’s time to light this tree! Let’s start the countdown!”

The park erupted with sound as they counted down from ten while Hazel and I made it to the switch and hovered our hands over it.

“I wouldn’t want to be here with anyone else,” she whispered as the crowd got to one, and we flipped the switch.

Blue lights lit up the night sky, but I paid them no attention. I was too busy gazing at the most beautiful light in my life.

Chapter Seventeen

“Ready?” she asked, and I nodded. Considering the steep grade, she got a running start and zipped me up the ramp faster than I expected. The wind had finally died down, which was the only reason I could convince her to return to the park with me. I didn’t want to tell her that sealing the deal under the gazebo roof was what drove me to come back out in the cold. I have to keep my hope that we really are the gazebo’s Christmas couple on the down low.

Once we were on the gazebo floor, I took control of my chair and spun it around. “You’re right. There’s something magical about being under here when the tree is lit.”

“Come here,” she motioned me over to the railing by the Christmas tree. “Look up.” She knelt next to my chair and tipped her head back to see the top of the tree, so I did the same. It shifted my view of everything into 3D, unlike anything I’d seen before. It was as though the tree did touch the stars.

“My word,” I said with a breath. “I’ve got goosebumps. I didn’t get to see this last year.”

“It’s magical,” she whispered. “We had Christmas trees in Florida, but not like this. This is Christmas personified, in my opinion. When we hit that button tonight, and the lights swirled around the tree, all I could think of was peace. It was the first time I’d felt that kind of peace when surrounded by so many people. I’m so glad we could come back tonight to see it alone.”

“I’d say I’m sorry we had to leave right away, but I’m not. I’m glad we waited and returned when the park was empty.”

“I had no problem going home and getting warm with you under the covers for a bit,” she said, wagging her brows.

“That part was fun,” I said, smirking when I remembered how we’d showered, had some hot soup and then climbed into bed. One thing led to another, and we almost decided against going back out, but I’m glad we did. “It was nice to have the last few days to relax.”

“It was, since I know we have a long way to go to get the facility open.”

“As long as you’re by my side as we work through each new twist in this adventure, then I’m all in,” I promised, rubbing my thumb over her cheek. “You’re so beautiful, Hazel. The way the light shines down on you makes me think you are an angel. Sometimes, I think you were sent here to show me the true meaning of Christmas.”

“I’m not an angel, Irving, but if I can play a part in teaching you to enjoy this season, then I’m honored to be the one chosen to do that. All I want for you is happiness, both professionally and personally. Life is easier when you’re happy, even if life is still complicated as yours will always be. Life is also easier when you have someone by your side who loves you. I promise you that’s the truth.”

“I’m starting to trust that I can believe that’s true, if that makes sense?” I asked as she nodded. “When I wake up and you’re next to me, the first thing I do is smile. I’m grateful that you found your way to Bells Pass and weren’t afraid to love me.”

“I’d be nowhere else, Irving. Now, right at this moment, I’d like you to kiss me, good sir.”

I glanced up at the gazebo’s roof. “Are you sure you want to be the Christmas couple of Bells Pass?”

“If you’re the other half of the couple, I’m all in, Irving Wallace.”

When our lips connected, there was a settling in my soul that said I’d found that happiness she spoke of. Spending this Christmas with Hazel was more than I could ask for, much less all my Christmases to come. When she moaned softly, my only thought was, if the legend of this gazebo was real, I was here for it.

“Do you think we’ll be here this time next year?” she asked, her lips against mine. Then she leaned back, and her eyes widened. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. Forget I asked.”

“I won’t,” I said, slipping my hand up her face to caress the back of her neck. “Do I think we’ll be here this time next year? I don’t know the answer to that, but I can say I hope we are. I hope we’re right here enjoying the tree for our second Christmas together. That sounds like a dream come true for a guy who was too afraid to dream.”

Hazel knelt on my left side and smiled. “Never be afraid to dream, Irving. We have to believe in our dreams, even when everything is working against them.”

“I love you, Miss Cane,” I whispered, my lips teasing hers into a kiss.

“I love you too, Mr. Wallace,” she whispered back against my lips until I stole her words with my tongue.

With our lips locked together, time didn’t exist. It was just me, her, and the spirit that filled the park as the tree shone light down upon the new snow. I no longer feared death if heaven looked and felt like this.