I struggled to find words. “Oh, no, it wasn’t me—”

“I was talking to your dog,” she interrupted, finger waving at Star who was barely containing himself to hold my command.

I bit back the amused snort, so she didn’t think she was funny, but did let a smile lift my lips. Something told me she was going to be okay. “This is Star,” I said to introduce them as I smoothed my palm down over his head. “Is it okay for him to come by the bed? He won’t settle down until he knows you’re okay.”

“Absolutely,” she said, making gaga eyes at my dog.

“Star, go visit.” I dropped his lead and he galloped for the bed. He was too short to reach her so he looked back at me with a whine in his throat. “Paws up,” I commanded and with permission granted, he stuck his head through the guardrail of the bed for an ear scratch.

“Who’s a good boy?” she cooed at the dog as she scratched his ears. “Star’s a good boy. He’s going to get all the best doggie cookies.”

“I’ll allow it, because if he’s getting the best doggie cookies, I should get the best human cookies. I did call the ambulance after all.”

“Does he get a cookie for knowing three numbers, Star?” she asked him while he nuzzled her hand for more scratches. When she lifted her gaze to make eye contact, she smiled. “But seriously, thank you. I don’t remember a thing about what happened. I’m lucky you and Star found me.”

“Star ran off to get his ball and never returned, so I got worried. When I found him, he wouldn’t leave your side until Gabe arrived. Speaking of Gabe, he will want to talk to you once you’re out of the hospital.”


“Sorry. Gabriel Dennison. He’s a detective with the Bells Pass Police Department. He’s also an EMT and was first on the scene after I found you. He stopped by earlier to take your statement, but since you have a head injury, the doctors told him it had to wait.”

“I don’t know why he’d need my statement. Is that something police do here for every accident?”

“Accident? Hazel, this wasn’t an accident. If it was an accident, it turned into a hit and run when they didn’t stop and render aid.”

“Hit and run? You think someone hit me?”

“From what Gabe tells me, yes. I don’t want to say too much and give you false memories, so give your brain some time to recover and maybe you’ll remember what happened when you got to the park.”

She rubbed her forehead and sighed. “All I can remember right now is leaving my hotel this morning. The rest is just a blank.”

The curtain was pulled aside, and Sandy stepped in. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I found this when putting your clothes in a patient belongings bag.” She held a card out to Hazel, who accepted it. I noticed her hand shake as she brought it to her face to read. “It says to call him in case of emergency.”

“Did you call him?” she asked, her words barely audible.

“No, since you’re conscious, I decided to give it to you.”

“Thanks, I’ll take care of it once I talk to the doctor,” Hazel promised with a smile.

I noticed her slip the card under the blanket as Sandy left the room. “Star, return.” The dog lowered his paws and trotted back over to me where he sat relaxed, content that his patient was okay. “Don’t try to force the memories,” I said to bring us back to the conversation. “You have other things to focus on.”

“Like my hand,” she said, lifting it off the bed to show me the blow-up cast holding it securely. “I can’t lose this job.”

“You don’t have to worry about that, Hazel. Mayor Tottle has already instructed the police to use all resources to find the person behind this. This wasn’t your fault and you won’t be fired.”

“If there was a person behind this,” she added and I nodded once.

“Right, but either way, we’ve got you covered. Please, stop worrying about anything until we know what the doctor has planned for your hand.”

“Easier said than done, Mr. Wallace,” she quipped.

“Trust me, I know,” I promised. “There have been plenty of ‘oh no’ moments in my life, but they always work out if you trust in your support system.”

“I don’t have one. That’s the problem. I’ve been in Bells Pass for less than three hours.”

“And I can promise you that the news has already spread far and wide. Ivy, the owner of the diner and bakery, will have more food delivered to your apartment than you can ever eat. Mrs. Violet, our town busybody, and sweetest lady you’ll ever meet, will fuss over you the moment she meets you. Gabe is already investigating what happened. His wife will probably cut your hair for free from this day forward, and,” I glanced at my watch for a moment and nodded. “Yep, your car was already dropped off at New Beginnings by one of the local mechanics. I assure you that all your fluids have been topped off and your tires rotated.” I chuckled at the last joke until I noticed she wasn’t laughing with me.

“How did they move my car without the keys? How did you even know it was my car?”