I laughed as I nodded. “That’s fair. I’ll give you a point for that. Jack it is.”

“Are you busy, or do you have time to talk?”

“I have all the time in the world for you, Jack,” I said, closing the door behind him.

“Is Irving about? He needs to be here for this.”

Now I was nervous. If the mayor was here, there could be a problem with the city permits for the sleep-out event. I would have thought we’d know by now since the event was happening tomorrow, but I put nothing past the government. “He’s in the office. I’ll call him.”

After walking to the intercom to ask Irving to join us, I offered Jack a cup of coffee while we waited. He politely declined but did walk around the community space with an eye to the details.

“I heard you were submitting a permit to hold a wedding reception here.”

“Wow, word travels fast,” I said, leaning against a table. “We just talked about it this morning at the diner.”

“Bells Pass is outgrowing the one space we do have for public gatherings. I spoke with Cameron this morning when he called after talking to his sister. We both agree New Beginnings is a great backup option for people, especially around the holidays. As long as it won’t be a problem for the tenants once the facility is open.”

“Essentially, I was looking at Indigo’s reception as a way to test the waters with holding small parties here. If it goes over well, I would ask the lawyer to add a clause to the lease stating there would be private events held here and the ground rules for tenants would be spelled out. Since our hall is relatively removed from most of the apartments other than mine and Irving’s, I don’t think events will have much impact on the tenants. We wouldn’t hold the prom here. We’d only host smaller more intimate events, and we would have the right to decline if the situation didn’t fit with our goals.”

Jack nodded in agreement. “I’m glad you’ve thought it out. It might be a way to fund other community events and programs you want to host.”

“Yes!” I agreed, shaking my finger at him. “My hope is we can use the rental fee from events for other community outreach programs throughout the year. That requires less draw on the foundation, and more community involvement means more community acceptance.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Irving said as he rolled into the room with Star. “Good to see you, Jack.” Irving stuck his hand out to shake once he was close enough. “What do we owe the pleasure?”

Jack pulled an official-looking envelope from his pocket and handed it to Irving. “A request from the town of Bells Pass.”

Irving lowered a brow but opened the envelope and read it aloud. “It would be the full honor of the citizens of Bells Pass if Irving Wallace and Hazel Cane would be the honorary tree lighters for the fiftieth annual tree lighting in the Bells Pass Park on Friday, November twenty-sixth at six p.m.” He lowered the paper to his lap and glanced up. “Really?”

“Truly,” the mayor answered.

“This is the fiftieth anniversary?” I asked, my mouth still hanging open. “That honor should go to a longtime community member.”

“As tradition, we always have the owner of the newest business light the tree, or a community hero if there is no new business.”

“We didn’t open a new business,” Irving pointed out. “We just did our jobs as asked by the housing council. Cameron or the housing council should do the honor.”

“Trust me, after much discussion this year, which is why the invitation is so late, it was voted that you and Hazel would flip the switch. Bells Pass is nothing if not traditional, and we’ve done the same thing for fifty years. Then you two came in and made a change that had been necessary but arduous. You say you’re just doing your job, and you are, there is no doubt, but you bring another dimension to that job. You live where you work and fight valiantly for the underdog at every turn, all while keeping your public face positive and welcoming. It takes a special kind of person to do that, especially in a small town, but we lucked out and found two of you. So, the invitation is made with the utmost respect for what you’ve done here and what you hope to do in the future. Bells Pass needs this change and the positive impact it’s already making on our town.”

Irving glanced up at me with a smile. “What do you say, partner?”

“With that kind of confidence and appreciation for what we do, we’ll be there,” I said with a nod and a handshake with the mayor.

“Excellent! Everyone will be so pleased that you agreed. Irving, the city works has installed a temporary ramp over part of the stairs leading to the gazebo. It’s steep, but someone will be there to make sure you get up it safely with far more dignity than last year. We plan to leave it through the Christmas season so people who would like to have a picture under the tree, but need accessibility, can do so. By next year, the new ramp will be built, of course.”

Irving put his hand to his chest. “I so appreciate that, Jack, since I was sitting here thinking how to move everything down to the walking path.” He patted Star’s head. “My buddy here will help me get up the ramp, but we’ll do it before you start the festivities so as not to put on an unintended show.”

“That’s good enough for me. You’ll find me there preparing by five-thirty, but I’m sure you’ll be in the park long before that.”

“We will be,” I assured him. “We’ll be helping Audrey with the food donations for the food pantry and making sure anyone who didn’t get to the Thanksgiving dinner the day before can pick up a coat and winter gear if needed.”

“I’d expect no less,” Jack said as he pulled on his gloves. “I will take my leave then, as I’m sure you have much to do before tomorrow night.”

He walked to the door, and I followed, unlocking it and holding it open for him. “Will we see you tomorrow night?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Cynthia and I are looking forward to the new era of Bells Pass and something tells me, tomorrow night is just the start.” With a wink, he was gone, whistling a Christmas tune as the powdery snow that was falling puffed out from under his feet.

After locking the door, I turned back to Irving who sat with the same expression I suspected was on my face. “I’m shocked,” he said, shaking his head slightly.