Page 38 of Prince of Chaos

As we continue to eat and talk, I find myself getting lost in the ebb and flow of the conversation. Isabella shares stories about her experiences as a lawyer, while Evelyn fills us in on the latest medical dramas. Between bites of our meals and sips of coffee, their laughter fills the air like a soothing balm, easing the tension that had been building up inside me.

"Ugh, this pregnancy," Isabella groans, rubbing her swollen belly. "I can't wait for it to be over."

"Enjoy it while you can," Evelyn teases. "Once the baby's here, you'll be wishing for these days back."

"Hardly," Isabella snorts, but her eyes shine with excitement at the thought of becoming a mother.

Eventually, we finish our meals and say our goodbyes. As they walk me to the door, I feel a newfound sense of camaraderie with these women. It's refreshing to have friends outside of my current situation, and I'm grateful to Giovanni for making it happen.

Once outside, I text Giovanni to let him know I'm ready to be picked up. He arrives within ten minutes, his dark eyes searching mine as I slide into the passenger seat.

"So, how was lunch?" he asks, his voice a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Actually, it was really nice," I admit, smiling at the memory. "Thank you for setting it up. I don't understand why you did it, though."

"Because it's important for you to have friends outside of just work and home," he replies, his eyes softening. "You need a support system."

"I guess you're right," I agree, feeling touched by his thoughtfulness. Excited, I spill the details of our conversation, including the idea of taking college classes.

However, instead of sharing my enthusiasm, Giovanni's face becomes guarded. "That's a lot to manage right now, with everything going on," he says cautiously.

"Come on, I don't have much going on, and I can handle it!" I argue, my excitement deflating like a punctured balloon.

"Maybe," he says. "But you'd need to register under your real name, and that could put you at risk."

Tears well up in my eyes, frustration and disappointment overwhelming me. But before they can spill over, Giovanni reaches over and squeezes my hand gently.

"Please don't cry," he implores. "I'm not saying no, but give me a few days to look into it for you. Let me see if there's a safe way for you to attend classes."

"Okay," I sniffle, nodding. "Thank you."

The drive back to the mansion is quiet, the tension between us palpable. As Giovanni pulls into the garage, neither of us makes a move to leave the car. Finally, with a heavy sigh, he gets out and plugs the car in. I follow suit, my heart aching for reasons I can't quite understand.

As I carefully remove my shoes in my room, I find myself wishing Giovanni had followed me or tried something with me in the car. Exhausted from the emotional rollercoaster of the morning, I crawl into bed, hoping a nap will help.

But as I close my eyes, all I can think about is Giovanni. My hands wander over my body, seeking solace in the thought of him as I drift off to sleep.


Afaint scent of citrus and jasmine wafts through the air as Lulu leans against my office door on Monday morning. "Victor is waiting outside," she tells me, her brown eyes flicking down to a clipboard in her hands.

"Thanks," I reply, expecting her usual enthusiastic request to join the meeting. But it doesn't come. Instead, she offers a small smile and steps aside as Victor walks in. The curiosity flares within me, but I keep it contained for now.

"Who's the new assistant?" Victor asks, glancing over his shoulder at Lulu. I wave him off dismissively, feeling the need to protect her identity.

"Just a temp," I lie, shifting my focus back to the man in front of me. He narrows his green eyes, studying me with suspicion.

"You seem a little distracted," he points out. I shake my head, dismissing his concerns.

"It's nothing." But my mind can't help but wander back to Lulu and her unexpected silence. Victor hands me a folder containing the information about the real estate portfolio we're considering acquiring.

"Are we planning to acquire the membership interests of the portfolio or transfer the properties by deed into a new joint venture?" I ask, scanning the numbers presented to me.

"I'll have to get with the lawyers to clarify that," Victor replies, adjusting his cufflinks. "I'll let you know."

"Alright," I nod, concluding the meeting. As soon as he leaves, I find myself drawn back to Lulu, needing to know what's on her mind.

"Hey," I say, leaning against her desk once I hear the elevator doors close behind Victor. "How are things?"