Page 97 of Where We Started

“When that time comes, you won’t have a choice, and I never said anything about them being a member.” That sinister gaze fell once again on me, making my insides recoil. What was he talking about? The only nonmembers in a club were…women.

Wes finally stepped back, and Killian let go. Silas roughly shook his arms once, then someone handed him a rag for his face.

“You’re going to need to set that,” Pops commented, gesturing to the Raiders broken nose. “Want me to do it?”

Silas glared. “Fuck off, old man.”

Wes moved behind me, crossing his arms over his chest while the remaining members sat quietly around the table, waiting for the meeting to pick back up.

“What’s your play if you were supposed to kill him?” I suddenly blurted, as I saw Silas retreating toward the exit.

He paused, lifted his chin to Wes, then glanced back at me.

“My plan was to go back with you. Dirk would let me live if I at least had something. Since I don’t, I won’t go back, at least not until I’m sure I can kill him. Once I do, I’ll become president. When that happens, I’ll be back for what’s mine.”

He gave one last look to Wes before pushing through the doors and leaving the club.

My entire body felt wired with adrenaline. Someone was brutally beaten and almost shot in front of me, and while I had been exposed to a lot growing up here, I was never around the violence. Dad was always sure I was kept clear of any real danger, as often as he could. I saw tiny drunken skirmishes, but nothing like what had just taken place. No one else seemed thrown by it. Wes placed a hand on my shoulder, then played with my hair as the rest of the meeting seemed to move on.

Addressing the table, Wes spilled the news about my dad.

“The grave of Simon Stone is empty.”

A shock rippled through the room as members broke out from around the table, all speaking at once. All except Killian, Giles, and Rune. They flicked a quick gaze my way before Wes took hold of the room again.

“We suspect he’s alive, based off some letters he sent Callie.”

The folded pile of papers landed in front of me, and the room quieted once more. Wes explained the pattern he’d seen in the notes from my father: the extra usage of the letter y, the misspelling of a word to make it look like the town of Pyle and a few other things Wes had picked up on. The notes were passed around the table, from member to member, until they all returned. The room was somber, contemplative for several minutes until Brooks finally spoke up.

“It’s gotta be the Triple Y ranch on the edge of Pyle. That’s near where his old lady lives. There’s no chance she’s in the dark on this.”

Giles nodded, adding in his two cents. “She might have been before, but I doubt she still is.”

“She stopped showing up at the clubhouse with the Death Raiders. It’s partially why her son is so on edge. He’s worried about her,” Hamish offered.

My heart softened, thinking about Sasha. It complicated my feelings for Silas in a strange way. I didn’t like him, but I could understand his rage if he was afraid for his mother’s safety. It didn’t seem like he was too pleased that his mom had been dating my dad, or the danger it put her in.

Wes spoke up from behind me, bringing my thoughts back. “So we head out this afternoon, see what we can find. If Simon is there, we need to figure out what his plan is, and bring us up to fucking speed.”

The men all grumbled their agreement, but it was Killian who spoke up and asked, “What’s the plan with Dirk? He’s obviously going to be organizing a war if he thinks Callie will supplement what’s owed to him and Silas never returns.”

Wesley returned his fingers to my hair, gently stroking a few pieces while he explained, “We’re facing war regardless. I had hoped Silas would have already taken the club, but if he’s not ready then we must plan to fight. If Simon is alive, he’ll have a better chance at reaching out to the other clubs.”

Giles lifted his hand to signal Wes. “I have a connection in Chaos Kings.”

Killian turned in his chair, lifting his chin toward Giles.

“What sort of connection do you have? Aren’t you from California or Denver, some fucking place like that?”

The room broke into laughter, including Giles. But he put a stop to it when he said, “Yeah, yeah…I grew up in Nevada, you fucker. But my cousin grew up here.”

“And who’s your cousin?” Pops asked sarcastically.

Giles stretched out in his chair like a king as he said, “Jameson, the leader. Fuckers.”

The room went silent. Blood relations were rare in rival clubs, but when they were found, they were tighter than even the club connection, unless Giles and his cousin were at odds or hated each other, but he wouldn’t have suggested him if that were the case. Made me curious as to why he chose Stone Riders over his cousin’s club, which was only about two hours west from here.

“Okay, well, reach out to your cousin, see if he’d accept a meeting from me and Killian,” Wes ordered, and the room broke out into commotion like they all knew when Wes was finished speaking. I felt like I was trying to play catch up. I spun in my seat and found Wes staring down at me with a curious expression.