Finally, Grinn gave up and let out an exhausted sigh. “What do you want, human?”

She stared down at the ground in front of her. “I don’t know. I just wanted to say I’m sorry for what happened to you.”

He grunted. “I hate that wizard.”

“Why? He was just trying to provide some context, is all.”

“It is not his story to tell. If I wanted you to know, I would have told you myself.” The demon grimaced. “And it does notmatter, Gwendolyn. I am the way I am. And there is nothing you or anyone can do to change it. Understanding thewhyis a foolish waste of time.”

“To you.” She shook her head. She didn’t know why she bothered. “Well, all I wanted to say was that I was sorry for what happened to you and your family. And if that makes me stupid, then fine. I’m an idiot.”

“Finally, she admits it.”

“I swear to fuck—” She put her hands over her face. “You know what? Never mind. I give up.”


God on high, she wanted to scream. She sped up to get away from Grinn, and spent the rest of the early afternoon walking in silence between him and Doc. Luckily, the nearest town wasn’t far.

Aercester was what the sign said as they passed it. It meant literally nothing to her, except for the fact that it sounded incredibly British. As they stepped within the city limits, the group circled up to create a plan.

Lancelot was keeping an eye on the streets. “I do not think we should stay here long.”

“I agree,” Zoe added. She looked nervous. “I do not think we will be terribly welcome. Especially not with…” She glanced at Grinn. “Him.”

“Can you take your cat form?” Gwen suggested to the demon.

“I will not hide from peasants—they should fear us.” He bared his remaining fang, the fur on his shoulders standing up.

“Great. Awesome. Sure. So, let’s make it quick.” Gwen desperately wanted to scream again or throw something large and heavy at the demon. Whatever. “We need to buy a cart for Doc’s delicate feet.”

“Don’t take your mood out on me, missy.” Doc waggled a finger at her. “And we could very much use a cart. I’m not the only one who’s complaining about it.”

“Yeah? Who?” She called his bluff.

“The dog.” Doc looked so proud of himself.

She rubbed her hands over her face. This was all seriously giving her a headache. “Fine. Great. A cart for youandthe dog. What else?”

Lancelot was holding onto the hilt of his sword. “I will stop by the taverns and see if there are any other elementals in the area that we could approach for aid. We will not have long to build an army before Mordred goes on the offensive, I fear.”

“So…it sounds like we’re splitting up.” Gwen sighed. They had just found each other again, and it meant she was going to be left alone with Grinn and the sorcerer. One of whom she didn’t mind most of the time, but the other one grated on her nerves on a good day.

“It seems so.” Zoe clearly didn’t like the idea either, judging by the frown etched on her face. “Mordred will hunt the demon relentlessly. And if we seek to stand against him, this would be our opportunity to gather without his notice.”

Grinn was mumbling something under his breath, but she ignored him.

“Great. I love being bait.” But she couldn’t argue it was a good plan. Between Mordred’s desire to stop Grinn and his likely overwhelming need to rip Gwen’s head off, it meant that they were the perfect distraction.

Zoe walked up to her and hugged her without warning. “You must be brave, young one. You must follow your heart. Do not let the coldness of others wither it away.”

It was good advice, but Gwen shook her head. “I feel like every option I have is a bad one. I’m caught in the middle of shit I didn’t start.”

“Such is the way for so many of us.” Zoe stroked her knuckles along Gwen’s cheek. Her touch was warm and soft. “Victims of the revenge that others seek.” She looked so very sad. “But I would like to give you a gift before we part ways. I do not know when next we will meet.”


Zoe caught Gwen’s face between her hands and kissed her. Gwen’s eyes flew wide, not knowing what to do except to freeze up as the fairy literallykissedher.