How could she be so stupid?
Of course, Miles didn't want a girl who got sick whenever she was around people.
Storm curled into a ball on the couch and cried herself to sleep.
It had been two days since Miles walked out and told her they were never going to see each other again.
That he didn't want to see her again.
Storm didn't understand why it was affecting her so much, but it was. She was sad and didn't want to do anything. It was almost like she was in a depressive state, but she couldn't seem to pull herself out of it.
She had tried to bounce back by doing things she loved to do, like reading a book after she finished working, but nothing seemed to work.
She missed him.
She missed Miles.
He hadn't been around her much and Storm barely knew him, but she truly missed him. The little time he had spent with her taking care of her had been amazing. She had thought Miles was a person who didn't care about anything from the first impression she gotten, but she was so wrong.
Miles was a Daddy who wanted to take care of a Little. She had hoped she could have been his Little, but it hadn’t worked out that way.
I don't want to see you again.That was what he’d said to her right before he had left. She had cried so many times since then.
Storm didn't know how long she’d laid on the couch while she cried, looking at the wall after he left. It must have been hours because by the time she got off the couch, it was dark outside. Miles had left an hour before lunch which meant she had lain on the couch for hours and hours.
She didn't cry the whole time, but it did hit her in waves.
And it was still hitting her in waves. She had cried when she saw the last bit of fruit in her fridge before she’d eaten it this morning. The last little bit of evidence Miles had been in her house.
A brief thought had passed through her mind to keep the fruit there, but she knew it would get moldy and just go to waste and she couldn’t let that happen.
Storm had already been at work for several hours and was due for her lunch break soon. Well, she was supposed to have taken her lunch break hours ago, but she wasn’t hungry then and she wasn’t now.
“Storm!” Hedda yelled as she walked into the bookstore.
Storm gave her a small smile and went back to putting books away. Her energy was completely gone for the day. She didn’t know if it was because of what happened with Miles or if it was because she was just coming off being sick.
“Are you getting off at the normal time?” she asked.
“Yeah,” Storm replied.
She honestly didn’t know what time it was or how long she had left.
“Well, go clock out and we’ll head to my house,” Hedda said.
Storm sighed and nodded her head. As much as she wanted to go to Hedda’s house, she also just wanted to curl up in her own bed and not do anything. She wanted to hug her stuffie, Mika, and just be left alone.
But that wasn’t going to happen with Hedda.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” she asked. “You’ve been different for a couple days now.”
Storm didn’t know what to say. Miles was Hedda’s best friend, and she didn’t want to make things between them weird if she confessed she had a crush on him and wanted him to be her Daddy.
It would be weird.