Angelo packed up the few things he’d gotten out and stood up.
“I do recommend they have some Little time soon. Let them let go of their worries and responsibilities,” Angelo said. “I think it will help them. And talk to them, but don’t push them to talk.”
“Thanks, Angelo,” Rogan said.
Miles held Storm closer and relaxed into the chair as Angelo left.
“Can you girls tell us what happened?” Miles softly asked.
“He came out of nowhere,” Hedda whispered.
He could see the haunted look in her eyes. She was going to need to talk to someone about that. He didn’t want it to go untreated and get worse.
“He grabbed me, pointed a gun to my head,” Storm said. “Said he was going to give me to Ethan.”
Miles’ blood ran cold at the mention of Ethan’s name.
“The next thing I remember is Hedda telling him no and then a bang,” Storm continued. Her body started to shake again, and Miles had an idea she was probably reliving the moment. He didn’t want to do that to her, but if she didn’t want to answer, she didn’t have to.
He wrapped his arms around her tighter, hoping the shaking would stop.
“I know what you did was hard, but I’m proud of you,” Miles said to both girls. “Both of you were brave in a dangerous situation.”
Maybe in the next couple of days Rogan and he would get some more information out of them, but right now the only thing that mattered was taking care of them.
He knew there was a lot more that went on in the room and he didn’t know everything. But both girls were brave and they needed to know that.
Miles also needed to place panic buttons around the house, everywhere, so if anything like this happened again, they could hit the button and it would alert him and Rogan. Maybe he should include Lucius and a couple other people he trusted into getting alerts.
Family was important and he didn’t want anything to happen to them. Now that he had Storm, he needed to make everything safer around the houses so she was protected at all times.
It wasn’t a need.
It was a must.
“I’m going to take Hedda home,” Rogan said. “Are you going to your other house on the compound while this gets cleaned up?”
“Yeah,” Miles replied. “I don’t want Storm to be here while they are cleaning things up.”
“I-I’ll text you He-Hedda,” Storm stuttered out.
Miles watched as Rogan picked his sister up and walked out of the house. This wasn’t how he planned for the day to go. He had hoped that after their talk, he could take her out to dinner, but that wasn’t going to happen today.
“Let’s go get you into a warm bath,” Miles said.
Storm felt numb as her Daddy carried her to the bathroom. So much had happened in the past couple of days, really in the past couple of hours.
She had almost died.
“You’re okay,” Daddy whispered. “I’ve got you.”
Storm placed her face into his neck and relaxed, or tried to relax, in his embrace. Her body was slightly shaking, and she had no clue why.
“D-Daddy,” she whimpered, tears forming in her eyes.