Rion’s nostrils flared at the scent of her blood and something feral tore from his chest when he roared. She couldn’t stop the fear that spiked through her body at the menacing sound. The sand moved faster and faster, engulfing those nearest to them in its deadly spiral.

Arianna watched in horror as skin peeled back from muscle, then muscle peeled away from bone, chunks of it joining Rion’s frightening magic. Her stomach coiled in disgust and Arianna sank to her knees.

Rion stepped forward, separating her from the remaining warriors that stood against them. He growled, daring them to move and brought his grains of earth closer, spiraling them around her body in a violent storm.

Three warriors charged and he crushed their throats.

The remaining few exchanged fearful glances before they turned, sprinting as fast as their tired bodies would allow.

Earth exploded at their feet, crushing their legs, leaving them to crawl across the ground. They pleaded. Begged. But Rion wasn’t listening.

The rest scattered despite their leader screaming for his warriors to stand firm. Some made it, disappearing through the trees, others didn’t, but Arianna was certain Rion had marked their scents, intending to hunt them down later.

Rion stood before her, panting, staring off into the distance before turning toward their leader. The male, with one bleeding hand and blood running down his face, kept screaming and Arianna half wondered if he even realized he’d lost.

She tried to stand but hissed against the movement, clutching her side. Arianna peeled the fabric of her shirt away to check the wound. It was deep, but she’d have to tend to it later.

Her focus returned to Rion. She’d expected him to kneel at her side, fuss over the wound the way he’d done when she was sick. But the male standing beside her didn’t so much as pass her a second glance. And before she could speak, he was stalking toward the still screaming leader.

A second later, the male’s neck snapped.

Eerie silence stretched over the bloody field. She tried not to look at the broken bodies scattered before her, but movement caught her eye.

Eoghan staggered to his feet, blood dripping from the wound in his arm as he surveyed the carnage. Rion’s attention snapped toward him, and he let out another low growl. Eoghan ducked his head and folded his knees beneath his body. He pressed his face into the bloody ground and upturned his wrists in surrender.

But Rion didn’t seem to notice.

Arianna couldn’t see Rion’s eyes, but his prowling gait and the magic crawling across his skin in agitated spirals told her enough.

“Stop,” she whispered, her voice hoarse. The male she’d developed feelings for didn’t exist. Right now, he was The Demon, ready to tear another life from the world.

She struggled to her feet, crying out against the pain lancing through her side, but Rion didn’t turn. She could smell Eoghan’s fear and it propelled Arianna toward the raging storm that Rion had become.

Her legs shook, emotions flaring as she tripped over the mangled bodies, but Arianna clenched her teeth and ran, hoping beyond hope that Rion wouldn’t kill Eoghan before she could stop him.Ifshe could stop him.


Rion’s magic reared back, rising behind him like a wave, but Arianna skidded to a stop between him and Eoghan’s knelt form. She clutched her side, taking in ragged breath after ragged breath.


Rion growled, showing his blood-stained teeth. The magic surrounding him danced, snaking out around his body.

Tears blurred her vision and before she knew what she was doing, Arianna yanked the liquid from every living plant within reach. She surrounded herself in droplets that circled Eoghan as well, never losing eye contact with the terrifying male before her.


Something in Rion’s gaze shifted. “Why?” The word rolled off his tongue thick and dark. Like a demon really was speaking.

“He wasn’t with the others.”

“He kidnapped you.”

“He didn’t want to. He didn’t fight.”

Another snarl rumbled from his chest, but Arianna stood her ground. Fae males were dangerous after battle, ready to take on any opposition thrown their way. And he was known to be the worst. It was a miracle she still stood and even more of a miracle that he hadn’t simply shoved past her.

Pain flashed across his face for a split second only to be replaced with anger. “You want to protect him? Then stay with him.” His magic flared, but before she could respond, Rion spun on his heels and stormed away.