Aston charges straight past me, fist swinging; it connects with a dullthwumpagainst the side of the wolf’s head.

The wolf yelps.

I wince.

“Shift to human, runt, afore I skin your mangy hide!”

I scramble to my feet as Aston and the wolf—which, even as an adolescent, is huge—circle one another. The wolf growls. Aston growls back.

“Stop this,” I say. “He doesn’t mean any harm. He wanted to make friends.”

“Make friends?” Aston sneers, still circling the wolf. “What are you, six years old? Where do you think he was taking you, lass? He might be an adolescent, but he’s not that fucking young.”

He lunges at the wolf. The wolf tries to dart back, perhaps intimidated by the huge alpha and the aggression he radiates.

“Where was he taking me?” I ask, frowning as I catch up with his words. “Oh! Don’t hurt him.”

Aston tackles the wolf around the throat. They crash to the ground, where they continue to wrestle. All I see is a blur of flesh and fur.

A curse follows, and another yelp.

“You are hurting him!”

“Whose fucking side are you on?” Aston grunts.

I don’t know why I’m defending the wolf and, further, feel a little sick as I see the gash on Aston’s side where the wolf has raked him.

“Shift this instant, mutt, or I swear I’ll snap your damn neck and leave you a dead carcass to rot!”

They break apart as the wolf shifts, revealing a young man not dissimilar in size or height to Aston.

They eyeball each other, a pace length between them, both breathing hard.

I should not be taking this opportunity to ogle the naked lad. I’m not even acquainted with him… not that knowing him would make this any better. Yet my eyes have a mind of their own and seek the swinging appendage between his legs with unerring accuracy.

“Goodness!” I gasp, trying to decide if it is a trick of the light or the effects of the blow to my head. That cannot be real, can it?

My eyes snap up to find Aston staring at me, nostrils flared with rage. Heat floods my cheeks.

“Fuck off, barbarian scum!” the lad pitches, stabbing his finger in Aston’s direction. “I was not hurting the lass when you charged in like a fucking savage.”

Still glaring at me, Aston surges forward and punches his opponent in the jaw, sending the lad tumbling.

“Me and you shall be having words, brat,” he mutters before again tackling the lad, who has barely gained his feet.

They crash to the ground in a heap of swinging limbs and flying fists.

“Stop this nonsense,” I say.

They ignore me, being too busy wrestling on the ground. I’m certain this renewed altercation is because Aston caught me staring at the shifter’s cock. Which was not my fault. I’m sure any lass would stare and wonder…

I tug at my hair and pace a little before my eyes land on a sturdy branch. I snatch up my improvised weapon and bash at them both as they roll back and forth. It is covered in leaves and makes a poor weapon, but I don’t have time to find something better. “Stop, this instant!”

Aston grunts as I catch his shoulder. The shifter lad gets a strike across the meaty flesh of his ass, which makes me blush anew even as I’m charged with righteous anger to make the pair of them stop.

I land a particularly savage blow at the back of Aston’s thigh.

“Gods, what are you doing, lass? I’m trying to protect you from this damn whelp who was seeking to drag you off and rut you!”