“VAULT wouldn’t even be an airline without you,” Veronica pointed out. “It was your idea to buy two of those jets, and your investors that made it a reality.”

I leaned back in my chair. Life was good when you were surrounded by love and support.

“Well, I can’t say no to that. I’d love to fly one of those fancy planes.”

“I thought you said jet engines were overrated?” Luke asked.

I snorted. “I only said that ‘cause I wasn’t flyin’ one!”

“Then it’s settled?” Veronica asked hopefully. “You’ll take Bobby’s spot on the second plane?”

I looked around the table. All three of them seemed hopeful and excited. Theywantedme to join them. I wasn’t just a competitor to the two men anymore. Sure, we had grown close over the last year, but seeing how much they wanted me to fly with them…

“Hell,” I said, “I can’t think of any group I’d rather fly with.”

Luke extended a hand toward me. “Welcome aboard, partner.”

I slapped his hand away and rose to give him a big hug. Then I did the same to Adam and Veronica.

It felt official.

“It’s a Friday night,” Adam said. “Let’s go out and celebrate.”

“Good idea!” Veronica added. “I’ll invite Dex.”

We headed out to our favorite sports bar and ordered a round of drinks. Dexter showed up not long after that and ordered a second round for everyone.

“To me!” he toasted. “I’m the one who brought all of you together, after all.”

“You may have brought us together,” Luke said, “but Veronica is the glue that’s keeping us together.”

“Well, that and the airline we all partially own,” Adam added.

“Right,” I said with a grin. “Looks may fade over time, but Limited Liability Corporations are forever.”

“Tell that to Excelsior,” Adam said. “Besides, I don’t think Veronica’s looks will ever fade.”

Luke gave me a sideways smile, then told Adam, “I was talking about you, pretty boy.”

Adam scoffed. “My hair is thicker than ever. I might go gray, but this hair will always be luscious.”

“Regardless of what may or may not fade,” I toasted, “I don’t think my feelings for Veronica are going to change.”

“Seconded,” Adam agreed.

Luke raised his glass. “To strong love, strong friendships, and even stronger tequila.”

“Preferablylegallytraded tequila,” Veronica added with a laugh.

We all toasted, then downed our drinks. Veronica went to the bar to get more. I smiled and admired her from across the room, leaning over the bar on her tip-toes, ass sticking out a little bit. Even after a year, the sight of her filled me with a kind of lust that was shocking. I wanted to take her into the bathroom and have my way with her right now.

A man stepped up to the bar next to her and held up a finger to the bartender. Then he turned to Veronica and said something. She laughed, and shrugged.

“Poor guy,” Luke said to me. He was admiring Veronica too. “He has no idea he has three of us to compete with.”

“Good thing Dexter’s deal isn’t still in effect,” Adam said.

I blinked. Dexter’s deal.