She finally pulled back, using a finger to wipe a little bit of come away from her lip. “Consider that a thank-you for getting me this job.”

“I got it for you out of the kindness of my heart,” I replied. “But I won’t say no to this.”

I pulled her into my lap and gave her a long kiss. Her tongue found its way into my mouth, undulating wetly in a way that made me want to go again.

“Seriously though, can I return the favor?” I asked. “I want to tasteyou, next.”

She grinned down at me and tapped me on the nose. “AndIwant to taste tacos! Let’s go into town and get some food. Dex recommended a place that’s away from all the tourist spots.”

Flying, blowjobs, and tacos, I thought as we exited the plane.This is turning out to be one hell of a day.



Every pilot had fantasies about their flight attendants. It was the worst kept secret in the airlines. We were attracted to pilots in their uniforms, and they were attracted to us walking around in tight-fitting pants or skirts. There was a lot of sexual energy in an environment like that.

But I had never actuallydoneanything with a pilot on an actual plane. Yeah, we were parked on the tarmac, but it was stillincrediblyhot to give Luke a blowjob in the cockpit. Naughty and sexy without actually doing anything wrong or dangerous.

We went into town and got street tacos from a restaurant that only had a single two-person table out front. Then we returned to the airport terminal with the intention of having some more sexy fun, but Luke’s co-pilot was back, napping in one of the seats. So we went into the private terminal lounge and relaxed while waiting for our passengers to finish playing golf. I finished my crossword while Luke watched history videos on YouTube on his phone.

The passengers seemed pretty drunk when they returned, dragging golf bags behind them with duffel bags slung over shoulders. They were practically peaceful on the flight home; most slept in their seats, while a few others chatted quietly. Aside from handing out some waters and bags of chips, I pretty much had nothing to do until we landed in Houston.

As we taxied up to the private terminal, I saw a familiar sight: an old seaplane was parked a few spots down from our Gulfstream. Taylor Hawkins was up on a ladder with his head buried in one of the engines. As he dropped a wrench into a toolbox and rummaged around for something else, I saw that his arms were smeared with grease.

He has to do his own maintenance. No wonder he’s jealous of Excelsior Air.

Yet there was something sexy about a man who did everything himself. Not that Luke’s job as a pilot wasn’t attractive; it was very much so. But watching Taylor wield a wrench that was longer than my forearm, afternoon light shining in his sun-bleached hair…

“Dinner at my place?” Luke asked while I gazed out the window.

“What happened to taking me out on a proper date?” I joked.

He picked up his briefcase and grinned. “I have other plans for you. Things we can’t do in public.” He paused. “Not without getting arrested, anyway.”

I followed him off the plane and into the terminal. When we got to the door, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck go stiff. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Taylor Hawkins on his ladder, scratching the back of his neck with a greasy hand while watching me.

I felt a strange sense of guilt after Taylor saw me. Why did I care so much what that random pilot thought? We’d had exactly two conversations together, both for only a minute. He was practically a stranger to me.

I feel bad that he’s flying his own plane, I told myself.And maintaining it himself. His business is probably barely squeaking by.

I had a normal flight the next day with the regular crew: me, Dex, and Adam. We were assigned a different set of pilots though. Occasionally pilot and crew schedules would line up for a few days, but that never lasted since pilots and cabin crew had different rules and regulations for how many hours we could work per week, and for how long.

“It must be disappointing,” Dex said as we prepared for our first flight.

“What?” I asked.

“Seeing a captain that you’renothooking up with.”

I rolled my eyes. “You make it sound like I’ve made it into a pattern. I’ve slept with exactly one pilot in my life.”

“The one you’re currently sleeping with!”

“Yes, that’s correct. I don’t know why you’re saying it like that.”

“I’m just so happy,” Dex said, letting out a romantic sigh. “I’m the one who caused this romantic affair. I’m pretty much Cupid, except I fly through the air.”

I held out my palm. “First of all, settle down. It’s been a week. Second of all, I wouldn’t say you’re Cupid. We’re not madly in love. We’ve only hooked up a few times. And third, Cupiddidfly through the air. He had wings.”