Page 55 of Merry Kismet

He reaches out and brushes his thumb against my cheek, sending goosebumps down my back and arms. “If this is what my mom wants, I have to respect her wishes. As for LA, I’ve thought about nothing else since making my Christmas list. I have a good life there, but nothing measures up to what I could have here. Please, Brie.” He hesitates, his jaw tightening. Vulnerability flashes in his eyes. “Ask me to stay.”

I must be dreaming. Does he really care about me that much? Would he really give up his whole life and stay if I asked? My next breath comes slowly, and I swallow a lump the size of my heart. “Please stay.”

It comes out as a whisper, but there’s no doubt he heard it when a light grows on his face. He dips his head down, and I meet him in the middle, the mistletoe all but forgotten. Our kiss isn’t anything like the light brushing of teenagers or even the accidental one at my parents’ house. It’s filled with years of longing. I ache for his touch, needing it to reassure me he cares.

There are no empty promises here. Rockwell doesn’t hold back. The way he holds me tight against him to the way he tenderly sweeps his mouth across mine, I know he won’t hurt me again. If love were a kiss, we’re drowning in it.

I know I’ll die happy too.

In the distance I hear a noise distinct from the soft music, and it’s growing louder. I don’t want to pay attention. I’ve waited for this moment for too long, and I want it to last a little longer.

“Rockwell! Rockwell Davenport!”

This time, neither of us can ignore the frantic voice.

We break apart at the same time, and Rockwell turns his head toward the sound.


“It’s Gabby.” I grab his arm and tug him back toward the lighted path. Something’s wrong. Rockwell can sense it too. In another step, we’re both running.

We find Gabby on the path, and Jocelyn comes up breathlessly behind her.

“What’s up?” Rockwell asks.

“I’m sorry,” Gabby says. “It’s your mom. She collapsed. You need to come to the big event barn right now.”

Rockwell’s face goes as hard and cold as stone.

With those few words, all the elation from our kiss is replaced with dread. I’m terrified for Sandy, but I’m also afraid I’m about to lose Rockwell a second time. My hand tightens its hold on the mistletoe I forgot I’m holding, and I send a fervent prayer for help.

Chapter 24


Ineverplannedmyfirst trip in a helicopter to be for a hospital transfer. The first few hours by Mom’s side are terrifying. I worry the Spokane, Washington, hospital isn’t sophisticated enough to give my mom the best care she needs. The doctors assure me Mom received the right clot-breaking medicine during the most crucial hours post stroke. We don’t know the damage yet, but for now, she’s stable.

I collapse into a chair by Mom’s bed, my mind whirling. What if she’s fully paralyzed? What if she has a ministroke following this one and dies? What if I hadn’t come to Bearwood? What if I’d convinced my mom to live with me in LA and she had better treatment? The unknown rails on me until my hands are shaking.

Mom is heavily medicated to help her sleep and her brain to rest, but I wish she would wake up and assure me she is alright. Hours later, in the early hours of the morning, I start to drift into a restless sleep. Before I lose consciousness, I briefly remember it’s Christmas. I wanted to spend the day with Mom on the farm. I wanted to tell her how Brie and I were dating.

My lips move slightly up on one side thinking of how happy my mom will be to know about me and Brie. Christmas won’t be a happy one this year, but at least I was nearby when the stroke happened. At least Mom and I are together now.

My phone is dead, so I use my mom’s to try calling my sister, Morgan. We haven’t talked since Mom’s last stroke. And it had been a few years before then. She doesn’t answer. I’m not surprised, but it still feels like a blow. If I lose Mom, my family support is gone. I can’t stomach the thought.

Late the next morning, I get what can only be described as a Christmas miracle. Mom wakes up.

“Rock.” The single word comes out slurred.

I reach for her hand. “Morning, Mom.” I choke on the words, tears filling my eyes. “How are you feeling?”

She doesn’t answer, but she blinks her eyes and breathes heavily through the tube in her nose. I’ve read everything I can get my hands on this morning and talked with several doctors. I know not to expect too much right away. We’ll have a team of therapists helping her recover this week, and after a few hours of sleep and self-pity, I’m determined to be optimistic.

“You’re going to be tired for a while, Mom, so take it easy. I’m going to do whatever I can to get you the best care possible.” I mean it too. I want to be a son she can depend on. No matter what else I have to give up, she will always be my priority.

Chapter 25
